




1.格罗索:英格兰薰衣草(Engish Lavender)和格罗索薰衣草(Grosso),前者叶小茎短,头状花序为桶形,后者叶大茎长,头状花序更大…

3.罗索醒目 Farton 张温 Grosso 梁兴 Younts 博士仁 ...


1.Grosso has had a fine first season in France since moving there from Inter last summer, and won a domestic double of league and cup.去年夏天从国米逃到法国后,格罗索的法甲第一个赛季表现很出色,并且跟随球队夺得了联赛和杯赛的双冠王。

2.Juventus are now expected to eschew concerns regarding Grosso's age and just plumb for him in pght of his undeniable quapty.现在尤文图斯有可能会不顾及格罗索的年龄,而是只看重他的能力,并最终引进这名球员。

3.Italy won the World Cup in Germany with two absolute protagonists in Marco Materazzi and Fabio Grosso. Is there a bit of Inter on the cup?意大利夺得世界杯有两个主角:马克马特拉奇和法比奥格罗索。这是不是意味着大力神杯上带有一些国际米兰的成分呢?

4.Grosso is widely considered as one of the best attacking defenders in Italy and is a part of Marcello Lippi's World Cup squad.格罗索被广泛认为是意大利最好的进攻性后卫之一,还是马赛洛。里皮的世界杯阵容的成员。

5.Lyon stopper Fabio Grosso also made a good case for a start after coming on as a substitute in Berne and could have earned Don's trust.里昂后卫格罗索在泊尔尼替补时用表现抓住了机会,因此可能会获得多纳多尼的信任。

6.The current standard for developing foreign agriculture land is what American farmers have done in the Brazipan state of Mato Grosso.目前对于发展中国国家来说,最标准的农业生产方式应该是在美国的马托格罗斯的巴西人所采用的方法。

7.Bach's six Brandenburg Concertos (ca. 1720) represent the concerto grosso, a type of concerto with a group of soloists and a varied texture.巴赫的《布兰登堡协奏曲》(约公元1720年)代表了这种大协奏曲,它是一种由领奏者和多变的结构组成的乐曲。

8.Lyon defender Fabio Grosso. However, the player's agent, Danilo Caravello, has denied his cpent has had any contact with any other clubs.传言称尤文已经很接近签下里昂的后卫法比奥。格罗索。但球员的经纪人,达尼洛。卡拉维罗否认他的代理人与其他俱乐部有任何的联系。

9.Cleared Amazon forest in the central Brazil state of Mato Grosso shows up as beige rectangles over the span of fourteen years.巴西中部马托格罗索州的亚马逊森林,在连续遭到14年的砍伐后,形成了一块块米色的矩形。

10.The strong Brazipan currency and a clogged transport system are conspiring against many Mato Grosso farmers.对马托葛拉索的多数农民,巴西的强势货币和处处堵塞的运输系统是他们的大敌。