


美式发音: [dʒoʊˈhænis] 英式发音: [dʒəuˈhænis]






1.约翰尼斯 ... Annie 法国 Johannes 德国 Brigitte 比利时 ...

3.约翰纳斯将其发展成现代型的手工艺企业。其子约翰纳斯Johannes)将会是酿造作坊的下任继承人,他会继续将本地品牌联盟及家 …

4.约翰尼斯·科斯奇 ... ◎导 演 格特兹·斯佩曼尼 Gotz Spielmann ◎主 演   约翰尼斯·科斯奇 Johannes Krisch ◎片 名 Revanche ...

5.约翰教会集中在大三阪周边的元町教堂群,分别是东正教复活圣堂(Khristos)、英国国教派的圣约翰教会(圣Johannes)及罗马公教元町 …


1.Right around the time when Shakespeare was apve there was another guy in Germany by the name of Johannes Kepler.几乎与莎士比亚同一时期,还有一个来自德国、叫做开普勒(JohannesKepler)的家伙。

2.The Girl With a Pearl Earring is considered as one of Johannes Vermeer's masterpiece and as a major painting of the 17th century.《戴珍珠耳环的少女》被公认为约翰内斯·维米尔的代表作之一,也是17世纪的一幅重要油画作品。

3.Less than half a century later Johannes Vermeer, a Delft artist, began painting scenes of the Dutch world Hudson left behind.不到半个世纪之后,代夫特艺术家约翰尼斯-弗米尔开始描绘哈德森身后的荷兰美景。

4.This was when Johannes Gutenberg, a goldsmith, first had the idea of producing small, regular blocks of steel with letters on them.那时候,约翰·古滕贝格,一位金匠,第一次生出要造出一些规则的、刻着字母的小钢块的念头。

5.Johannes Brahms is one of the greatest western composers in the 19~(th) century and known together with Bach and Beethoven as "3Bs" .勃拉姆斯是19世纪西方音乐史上最伟大的作曲家之一,世人将其与巴赫、贝多芬一起并称为“三B”。

6.Johannes Kepler, the man who worked out the orbits of the planets, wrote a book about them as a new-year present for his patron.发现了行星运行轨道的约翰尼斯•开普勒就曾经写过一本关于雪花的书作为新年礼物送给了他的资助人。

7.Johannes Leonardo's philosophy is built around the premise that we are all mediums for specific messages.约翰内斯莱昂纳多的理念是建立在前提下,我们具体的所有邮件的媒介。

8.The existence of two Martian moons was predicted around 1610 by Johannes Kepler, the astronomer who derived the laws of planetary motion.天文学家开普勒根据行星运动的规律,在1610年就预测火星有两个卫星。

9.German President Johannes Rau said that the relationship between the two countries was important for both sides.德国总统约翰内斯·劳称,中德两国关系,对两国而言都一样重要。

10.Energy and environment: Johannes Poulsen, former chief executive, Vestas Wind Systems, for the commerciapsation of wind energy.能源与环境奖:JohannesPoulsen,Vestas风力系统公司前首席执行官。获奖原因——风能的商业化。