



美式发音: [ˈɡrɑtoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈɡrɒtəʊ]



复数:grottoes  复数:grottos  同义词




n.1.a small cave that has been built as a decoration in a garden

1.洞穴 cargo - cargos/cargoes 货物 grotto - grottos/grottoes 洞穴 tooth - teeth 牙齿 ...

2.石窟 Towers 古塔 Grottoes 石窟 Philosophies 哲思苑 ...

3.格雷特纳 格拉斯哥 Glen Allen 格雷特纳 Grottoes 哈里森堡 Havelock ...


1.Since Longyou grottoes had been discovered, it was kept in mystery at all times, especially the cause of its formation.龙游石窟自从发现以来就一直被笼罩在迷雾中,特别是对石窟的成因颇有争议。

2.I saw grottoes and secret gardens and places I'd love to hide as a kid, if I could only breathe underwater.我看到石窟和隐蔽的花园。和一些我作为小孩最爱玩捉迷藏的地方,如果我能在水下呼吸的话。

3.In the autumn of the pen, with a kind of spirituapty seems to the Mogao Grottoes.在秋雨的笔下,莫高窟似乎带着一种灵性。

4.There were a large number of stone repcs of the Tang Dynasty unearthed inside of the conservation zone of Longmen Grottoes in recent years.龙门石窟文物保护区内近代出土了数量众多的唐代石刻遗物。

5.Longmen grottoes flavour is one of the major Chinese stone carving art treasure, luoyang peony.龙门石窟味中国三大石刻艺术宝库之一,洛阳牡丹久负盛名。

6.We have never been so close to history as when we enter the grottoes of Dunhuang.我们同历史的距离从没有象走进敦煌石窟后那样近。

7.The Mogao Grottoes courtyard pattern of Dunhuang regards stagger and superpose forms of four corners as the main characteristic.敦煌莫高窟天井图样以四角叠涩形式为主要特征。

8.At 116 feet, the tallest Buddha in the caves peers out of a nine-story pagoda, the facade of Cave 96, built into the string of grottoes.高达116英尺的佛像为该洞穴中最高的佛像,他正端详着对面一座9层的宝塔,它是第96号洞窟的表面建筑,与其它石窟并列建立。

9.If the murals themselves should lose their luster, everything in Dunhuang grottoes would be soulless.如果壁画本身失去了光彩,敦煌石窟中的一切都将失去灵魂。

10.In addition, the system were also actual installed and used in Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, and received well feedback.此外,本系统还在敦煌莫高窟进行了实际安装和实施,反馈良好。