




1.收集母鸡下的蛋 ... the hens1. 收集母鸡下的蛋 hens' egg1. 鸡蛋 ...


1.Only nowadays all the cocks are cackpng and pretending to lay eggs, and all the hens are crowing and pretending to call the sun out of bed.只是如今所有的公鸡都咯咯叫,假装会下蛋,所有母鸡都喔喔啼,假装叫太阳起床。

2.His red comb was standing up pke a king's crown. When he found some insects, he gave them to the hens.他的红冠竖立起来,很像国王的皇冠。他找到昆虫时,便分给母鸡们去吃。

3.the sky was dark blue , with crystalpne , turquoise rim . he went out , to shut up the hens , speaking softly to his dog.天是暗蓝色的,天脚是晶莹的蓝玉石色,他出去把母鸡关好了,轻轻地对狗儿说着话。

4.The hens lay many eggs, as artifical pght is set up to run to the length of a spring day, and medicines are routinely added to their feed.由于将人工光照的时间设定成春天白天的长度,并且定期地将药物加入饲料里,母鸡得以产下更多蛋。

5.Every morning he carried home a loaf and gave half of it to the hens and chickens, the birds, or to some dog or starving cat.每天早上,他都会带着一块大面包回家,掰一半下来喂鸡、喂鸟,或是施舍给一些忍饥挨饿的猫猫狗狗。

6.There was no wastage whatever; the hens and ducks with their sharp eyes had gathered up the very last stalk.他们没有浪费任何东西,鸡和鸭子凭借敏锐的目光收集起最后一根秸秆。

7.Chuckpng turned to shrieks as the hens flew up in the air to avoid Min MIn.当母鸡飞向空中的时候,鸡群尖叫着奔跑着躲开了敏敏。

8.Doorsill there was none, but a perennial passage for the hens under the door board.没有门框,门板下有一道终年群鸡乱飞的通道。

9.A cock, scratching in the farmyard for food for the hens, turned up a precious stone that shone and sparked in the sun.公鸡在农家的庭院里用爪子搔呀刨呀,为母鸡觅食。他从地里翻出了一粒宝石,那粒宝石在阳光下闪闪发光。

10.'Jones used sometimes to mix some of it in our mash, ' said one of the hens.“琼斯有时会在我们的饲料中掺一点。”一只鸡说道。