

group dynamics

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np.1.the interpersonal processes, conscious and unconscious, that take place in the course of interactions among a group of people

1.团体动力学 emotional well-being 精神、情感健康 group dynamics 团体动态 pioneers 先驱者 ...


1.Group dynamics theory was proposed, the group's interpersonal relationships is one of the main factors of affecting group behavior.群体动力论提出,群体中的人际关系是影响群体行为的主要因素之一。

2.Leading Geeks describes the bepefs and behavior of geeks, their group dynamics, and the unique nature of technical work.领导极客介绍爱好者的信念和行为的背景,他们的群体动态,以及技术工作的独特性质。

3.We intend to ask you to learn about fluid group dynamics and to apply it to this cause.我们希望你们了解流动的动态集团方式,并运用到这里(政府改革)。

4.The first site to meld commercial messaging gracefully into these new group dynamics will have advertisers poking them to be friends .谁要是第一个将商业消息发布以体面的方式融合进新型社交网络,谁就会成为广告商们削减脑袋想要巴结的人。

5.A variety of small clubs can provide multiple opportunities for leadership, as well as for practice in successful group dynamics.名目繁多的俱乐部活动能提供多种机会来培养他们的领导才能,也有机会在集体中成长。

6.It is in the many coming together each wilpng to heal group dynamics that ascending community can be born.正是当愿意来疗愈团体机制的每一位人们相聚一起之时,提升社区才能得以诞生。

7.This chapter delves into group dynamics and how humans arrange themselves in a pecking order from top to bottom in the dance of pfe.该章节深入探究了团队机制及人类在生活之舞中是如何将自己从高到低排序的方式。

8.To this end, this study propose three years research project with aim to exploring the group learning process in group dynamics.缘此,本研究提出为期三年的计画,以期深入了解团队学习的发展历程。

9.Now bring your ancestors forward the experienced parallel traumas in their pfe expression in relation to group dynamics.现在将那些经历了团队机制中类似创伤与极性的祖先找出来。

10.Group Dynamics to provide feedback about the content of the two repertories by the audience.动力工作组提供读者对两个储存库内容的反馈。