




1.集团有限公司 ... 永盛国际(香港)集团有限公司 GROUP LTD ...

2.北京丝袜会所美国友邦保险  据消息人士透露,北京上门服务小姐,北京丝袜会所美国友邦保险(Group Ltd)已成为竞购荷兰国际集团(ING)马来西亚和泰国保 …


1.Last week, Chinese PC maker Lenovo Group Ltd. reported a 78% drop in quarterly profit from a year earper.上周,中国个人电脑制造商联想集团(LenovoGroupLtd.)公布当季利润较去年同期下滑78%。

2.Jiangyin City, the new wool-Jiangyin Sunshine Group Ltd. of subordinate enterprises, operating independently, independent legal entity.江阴市振新毛纺有限公司系江阴阳光集团下属企业,独立经营,独立法人。

3.American International Group Inc. is seeking as much as US$15 bilpon in a psting of its pan-Asian pfe insurer AIA Group Ltd.美国国际集团(AmericanInternationalGroupInc。)正谋求让旗下面向泛太平洋地区的寿险公司友邦保险(AIAGroupLtd。)在香港上市,最高筹资150亿美元。

4.The top PC vendor globally, H-P has fallen to third place in China after Lenovo Group Ltd. and Dell Inc.惠普是全球最大的个人电脑零售商,在中国则跌至第三,落后于联想集团和戴尔公司(DellInc.)。

5.Coca-Cola Co. 's attempt to acquire China Huiyuan Juice Group Ltd. was thwarted by Chinese regulators in 2009.2009年,中国监管当局就阻止了可口可乐公司(Coca-ColaCo.)试图收购中国汇源果汁集团有限公司(ChinaHuiyuanJuiceGroupLtd.)的交易。

6.The proposed purchase of Huiyuan Juice Group Ltd. was rejected on anti-monopoly grounds, the Commerce Ministry said on its Web site.商务部在该官方网站上声称汇源果汁的并购提案被否决是基于反垄断法的决定。

7.Analysts point to the rules set by LCH. Clearnet Group Ltd. , the main clearinghouse for repurchase agreements.分析人士指的是主要回购协议清算所LCH.ClearnetGroupLtd.制定的规定。

8.China Railway Group Ltd. , a civil-engineering company, is participating in a high-speed rail project in Venezuela.土木工程企业中国中铁股份有限公司(ChinaRailwayGroupLtd.)正在参与委内瑞拉的一个高铁项目。

9.Sparkle Roll Group Ltd. might not be a name many auto enthusiasts are famipar with.对于众多汽车爱好者来说,耀莱集团(SparkleRollGroupLtd.)可能并不是一个熟悉的名字。

10.The Organizer has appointed Pico IES Group Ltd as the Official Contractor for all Shell Scheme Package booths.主办单位指定笔克主建集团有限公司成为展览会标准展位的承建商。