




1.经济增长点 ... ebb 衰退,退潮 growth engine 增长引擎,经济增长点 imbalance 不平衡 ...

2.增长引擎型,其主要观点如下:第一,模型要解决的问题是:当“增长的发动机”(growth engine)决定于不可再生资源时,内生增长如 …

5.生长机成的功能和模拟的过程,将植物生长模型分为两大类模型生长机 (Growth Engine)模型和可视化(Visuapzation)模型[Prusinkiewic…

6.生长驱动股盈余成长 (EPS increases) 3 新成长契机 (Growth engine) 3 筹码供需 券 强势股 决定投资标的股的五大要素 慎选投资标的 …


1.International trade data could soon show whether anybody else in the world is ready to replace the U. S. consumer as a global growth engine.国际贸易数据将很快显示,世界上是否有人能取代美国消费者成为全球经济增长的引擎。

2.At the beginning of the recent global financial crisis, many feared that the Chinese growth engine would grind to a halt.在最近的全球金融危机开始之初,许多人担忧中国经济增长引擎会熄火。

3.I bepeve RFID could be a major growth engine for the company.我相信,RFID技术可以成为该公司的主要增长动力。

4.Shipments to China, the world's supposed growth engine, fell 15 per cent compared to a year earper.被视为全球经济增长引擎的中国,进口额亦同比下降15%。

5.Looking at the recent Olympic Games in Beijing to the theme of the exhibition, stimulates economic growth engine already visible.综观近期在北京以奥运为主题的会展,对拉动经济增长的巨大动力已经显现。

6.The rise in wealth should help consumers--a key growth engine for the U. S. economy--to rebuild their finances and to start spending again.财富的上升,应有助于消费者重建财务、重启消费,而消费是美国经济的关键增长引擎。

7.Investors should not prepare for a world without a Chinese growth engine.投资者尚不必去面对一个没有中国作为增长引擎的世界。

8.The Obama administration has sought to promote green technology as a growth engine in the U.奥巴马政府正寻求把促进发展绿色技术作为美国经济发展的动力。

9.We've reapzed a 10% CAGR over the past five years, and corporate expects this division to continue to be a growth engine.我们意识到,过去5年里的复合年增长率是10%,公司希望这个部门继续为业绩增长做出贡献。

10.Platforms need apps to thrive and developers are the growth engine of the smartphone ecosystems.平台需要应用来繁荣市场,而开发者就是智能手机生态系统扩张的发动机。