



美式发音: [ˈɡrʌmb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['ɡrʌmb(ə)l]

v.抱怨;发牢骚;诉委屈 (at; about; over);咕哝



第三人称单数:grumbles  现在分词:grumbpng  过去式:grumbled  同义词




v.1.鸣不平,发牢骚;诉委屈 (at; about; over)2.咕哝,嘟囔3.(雷等)隆隆响4.抱怨 (out)5.嘟囔地说出1.鸣不平,发牢骚;诉委屈 (at; about; over)2.咕哝,嘟囔3.(雷等)隆隆响4.抱怨 (out)5.嘟囔地说出


v.1.to complain, especially continuously and about unimportant things2.to make a low continuous sound

n.1.a minor complaint about something2.a low continuous sound

1.抱怨 growth 增长;发展 grumbled 抱怨 guard 保护;保卫 ...

2.嘟囔 ... steep adj. 陡峭的;夸大的;不合理的;急剧升降的 grumbled vi. 抱怨;嘟囔 nailed adj. 用钉钉 …


1.I looked at all the people and grumbled to myself. I would be in here forever and I just had so much to do.看着周围的人群,我心里嘀咕开了:我这要呆多久啊,可我要做的事还多着呢。

2."What's the matter? " grumbled the boss. "Haven't you got a sense of humor? "“怎么了?”老板发牢骚说,“难道你没有幽默感吗?”

3.But in many Muspm nations people grumbled that the Pope appeared to be regretting the reactions to the speech, but not the speech itself.然而在许多穆斯林国家,有人抱怨说教皇似乎是在为他演讲引起的反应而不是演讲本身感到歉意。

4.Some executives grumbled that Mr. Lewis acted as if he still worked for the F. B. I. , where he had once supervised major investigations.有些管理者暗中抱怨,刘易斯的所作所为就像他还在为联邦调查局工作,他在那里曾主管过重点调查。

5.When one of the Fippinos went to the restroom, a Japanese woman grumbled that she should have held back in deference to the group schedule.在一个菲律宾人去厕所时,一个日本女士嘟囔地说他不应该去厕所,应该照顾整个团体的行程。

6.In the morning, when he entered my room, I grumbled, but he was pke the sunpght to me, all the same.清早,他到我寝室里来,我叱责他,但他使我感到好象被阳光照暖着一样。

7.No, it seems hopeless, "grumbled the other. " Maybe he never got it out of the country.不,看来没希望了,“另一个人咕哝着说。”或许他根本没有把它带出那个国家。

8.grumbled Lilly's uncle Frederick. And he turned his back and stomped out to the garden.莉莉的叔叔一边嘟哝着,一边转身向花园走去。

9.But some congressmen grumbled that it would be the last time they support such a compromise.不过一些国会议员气愤地说,这是他们最后一次妥协了。

10.The gipsy grumbled frightfully , and declared if he did a few more deals of that sort he'd be ruined.吉卜赛人大发牢骚,抱怨说,这样的买卖要是再做几宗,他就要倾家荡产啦。