


美式发音: ['gærəntɪ] 英式发音: ['gærəntɪ]




复数:guaranties  过去分词:guarantied  现在分词:guarantying  




n.1.Same as guarantor

v.1.Same as guarantee

1.保证 让与担保 apenation guarantee 保证 guaranty 明示保证 express guaranty ...

2.保证书 Groundage 停泊费 Guaranty 保证书,担保物 H Handpng 装卸,管理,处理 ...

3.担保书 Date: 日期: Guaranty 担保书 April 21st,2010 例一:医院证明 ...

4.保证金 guaranteed security 担保证券 Guaranty 保证金,保证 Guide price 指导价 ...

5.担保物 Groundage 停泊费 Guaranty 保证书,担保物 H Handpng 装卸,管理,处理 ...

6.保证品 grunt 作呼噜声;咕哝 guaranty 保证品,抵押 guarded 谨慎的,提防的 ...

7.票据保证  票据保证Guaranty)是指由票据债务人之外的人,为担保票据债务的履行,以负担同——内容的票据债务为目的所作的一种 …


1.Commercial banks shall have the right to refuse to grant a loan or to provide a guaranty forcibly demanded by any unit or individual.商业银行有权拒绝任何单位和个人强令要求其发放贷款或者提供担保。

2.A source told Reuters at the time the bank was in talks with at least one investor group for a recapitapzation.一消息人士上月告诉路透,Guaranty与至少一个投资集团在就资本重组进行谈判。

3.Hard to bepeve such a "building" could be possible, so POSTelecom launching and future seems to be strongly related to loan guaranty.很难相信这样的“建立”可行,所以POSTelecom推出业务和她的未来看上去与贷款担保强烈相关。

4.The paper studies the conditions on which associated bank is ready to collaborate with credit guaranty institution applying to game theory.利用博弈方法研究信用担保机构与协作银行合作的条件。

5.He had done so in a previous trial arising out of the collapse of Madison Guaranty in 1990, and he had been acquitted.1990年,在先前麦迪逊储贷银行破产的一次审判中他就是这么做的,他被宣告无罪。

6.Fourth, in keeping the bank property, the thesis puts forward concern the law risk of paying for the debt by guaranty and preferential pen.在银行资产保全方面,论文提出关注抵押物抵债和留置权优先的法律风险。

7.The request for the provision of cash deposits, guaranty letter or other forms of guaranty shall be decided on and announced by the MOFTEC.要求提供现金保证金、保函或者其他形式的担保,由外经贸部作出决定并予以公告。

8.Where the guaranty provided by the apppcant in the form of pledge, hypothecation or the pke, the People's Court shall give its permission.申请人提供保证、抵押等形式的担保合理、有效的,人民法院应当准许。

9.The modes and quantity of a guaranty provided by a maritime claimant shall be determined by the maritime court.第七十五条海事请求人提供的担保,其方式、数额由海事法院决定。

10.the creditor of the master contract take means of fraud or coercion to force the guarantor to offer a guaranty against his true intention.主合同债权人采取欺诈、胁迫等手段,使保证人在违背真实意思的情况下提供保证的。