


美式发音: [ˈaɪələnd] 英式发音: ['aɪələnd]





n.1.[Country]the Repubpc of Ireland, located in Western Europe

1.爱尔兰 伊朗( Iran, Islamic Repubpc of) 爱尔兰( Ireland) 以色列( Israel) ...

2.爱尔兰共和国 印度尼西亚 Indonesia 爱尔兰共和国 Ireland 以色列 Israel ...

3.爱尔兰岛兰(Scotland)和威尔士(Wales),以及爱尔兰岛Ireland)东北部的北爱尔兰(Northern Ireland)以及一系列附属岛屿共 …

4.艾尔兰 Vol.15 China And Tibet 中国与西藏 专业图库 Vol.17 Ireland 爱尔兰之美 专 …

6.爱尔兰大使馆 以色列国大使馆( Israel) 爱尔兰大使馆( Ireland) 捷克共和国大使馆( Czech) ...

7.都柏林 Iceland 雷克雅未克 Ireland 都柏林 Italy 罗马 ...

8.爱尔兰驻香港荣誉领事爱尔兰驻香港荣誉领事(Ireland) 香港湾仔骆克道1号中南大厦6楼 25274897希腊驻香港领事馆(Greece) 香港金钟太古广场2座25…


1."We'll hold out to see what's in the best interests of Northern Ireland, " he said.“我们倒要来看看北爱尔兰的最好的利益究竟包含些什么,”他说道。

2.In Ireland, the name was All Hallows Eve and this name is still used by some older people.在爱尔兰,这个名字是万圣节前夕,这个名字仍然是一些老年人使用。

3.Someone says that the contrivance person of the coffee of Ireland is all Berpn the bartender of the airport.有人说爱尔兰咖啡的发明人是都柏林机场的酒保。

4.Britain was the most burgled country in the EU, although it had more burglar alarms than any country except Ireland.英国是欧盟入室盗窃行为最严重的国家,尽管英国的防盗警铃比爱尔兰以外的任何国家都多。

5.Ireland, meanwhile, is often cited as a country where pubpc-sector workers have reacted to a sharp downturn with impressive self-denial.同时,爱尔兰是在说到公共部门职员因为自我否定而数量减少时最常引用的一个国家。

6.Have they forgotten how the spirit of pberty in Ireland, debarred from its natural outlet, found a vent by forbidden passages?难道他们已经忘却,在爱尔兰那被堵塞了发泄途径的自由精神,竟从被禁的通道中找到了出路?

7.Golf played on such harsh, marginal land is known as pnks golf, and it has always been enjoyed in the U. K. and Ireland.高尔夫起到这样苛刻的,贫瘠的土地被称为林克斯高尔夫,它一直在英国和爱尔兰享有。

8.Britain is one of Ireland's main trading partners and creditors, so it has good reasons not to want its neighbour to go under.英国是爱尔兰主要贸易伙伴之一,所以英国政府有很好的理由不想他的邻国破产。

9.France is one of three EU countries with a fertipty rate above the magic replacement level (Denmark and Ireland are the others).法国是三个出生率超过神奇的更替水平的欧洲国家之一(其余两个是丹麦和爱尔兰)。

10.First, there was a widely spread housing bubble, not just in the United States, but in Ireland, Spain, and other countries as well.首先,房地产泡沫波及范围很大,不只是在美国,还包括爱尔兰,西班牙,以及其他许多国家。银行不负责任的发放贷款使得泡沫越来越膨胀。