



美式发音: [ɡɑrd] 英式发音: [ɡɑː(r)d]




复数:guards  现在分词:guarding  过去式:guarded  搭配同义词

v.+n.guard Gate,guard embassy

adv.+v.jealously guard




v.1.防守,警卫,守卫2.看守,监视3.给...加保护装置,对...进行校正检查4.谨慎使用(言词等)5.【医】对...配用矫正剂6.警卫,看守7.防卫,警惕,预防 (against)8.(击剑时)取守势1.防守,警卫,守卫2.看守,监视3.给...加保护装置,对...进行校正检查4.谨慎使用(言词等)5.【医】对...配用矫正剂6.警卫,看守7.防卫,警惕,预防 (against)8.(击剑时)取守势

n.1.someone whose job is to protect a place or person so that no one causes damage, steals anything, or escapes; a group of guards who are working together2.a unit of soldiers or popce officers, especially one that has a particular job; used in the names of some units in an army, especially the British army; an officer in the Irish popce force3.something that covers a dangerous part of a machine; something that you wear to protect a part of your body, for example when playing a sport; the way that boxers stand with their hands in front of their face, to protect themselves from an opponent4.in basketball, one of two players who are responsible for moving the ball around the court in order to create opportunities for their team to score; in football, a player who plays next to the center5.a train conductor1.someone whose job is to protect a place or person so that no one causes damage, steals anything, or escapes; a group of guards who are working together2.a unit of soldiers or popce officers, especially one that has a particular job; used in the names of some units in an army, especially the British army; an officer in the Irish popce force3.something that covers a dangerous part of a machine; something that you wear to protect a part of your body, for example when playing a sport; the way that boxers stand with their hands in front of their face, to protect themselves from an opponent4.in basketball, one of two players who are responsible for moving the ball around the court in order to create opportunities for their team to score; in football, a player who plays next to the center5.a train conductor

v.1.to watch a place carefully to protect someone from attack, to prevent something from being stolen, or to prevent someone from escaping2.to protect someone or something from something dangerous or unpleasant3.if you guard information, you do not tell it to anyone4.to try very hard to keep something that is important to you5.in a sport such as basketball or football, to try to prevent your opponent from scoring or from playing effectively1.to watch a place carefully to protect someone from attack, to prevent something from being stolen, or to prevent someone from escaping2.to protect someone or something from something dangerous or unpleasant3.if you guard information, you do not tell it to anyone4.to try very hard to keep something that is important to you5.in a sport such as basketball or football, to try to prevent your opponent from scoring or from playing effectively

1.后卫 前锋- forwards 后卫guards 中锋- center ...

2.守卫 Warehouse clerk 仓储管理员 Guards/ 保安 Locksmiths 钳工 ...


1.When I gave him the flowers, he smiled at me and patted my hair and shoulder in what I later understood was a sign to his personal guards.我献了花,他对我微笑,还拍了拍我的头和肩。不过,后来我才知道这是在向他的警卫示意。

2.It's dangerous to leave P. I. and risk getting busted by the guards, but they both know that Michael has no choice.缺勤PI是很危险的,有可能会被警卫抓住,但是他们都知道Michael没得选择。

3.Cleopatra could have put a few of her guards at my disposal! I have to do everything myself; I'm not Gilgamesh here!克里奥帕特拉应该给我几个她的守卫让我支配!我必须自己做一切的事情,我不是吉尔伽美什!

4.He sat down, and none of the guards asked any questions, thinking he was waiting to pick up some goods.他在旁边坐了下来,也没有保安问他什么,认为他不过是在等着捡一些东西吧。

5.The guards showed them to an empty hut, and gave them food and drink; no one guessed that this was Queen Marimba.守卫把他们带到一间空的茅草屋,还给他们拿来了食物和饮料,但没有一人想到在她们面前的就是女王。

6.Netted arm guards near the propellers help keep the rest of him intact.飞机两旁靠近螺旋桨附近的网状物可以保护他身体的其他部位保持完整。

7.He said he's not the least bit concerned about the abundance of guards.他说根本不担心后卫线上人太多。

8.If you love to be hugged, fondled by female fans, put yourself in hot water, with more guards is still unable to protect you.如果您喜欢被人拥抱和抚摸,要是您爱自惹麻烦,随扈再多也还是无法保护。

9.They were taken to a walled compound outside Teheran where guards said they were not allowed to leave "for their own safety" .他们被带到德黑兰郊外的一个四面筑有高墙的围地,那里的看守说“出于安全考虑”禁止他们离开此地。

10.After he escaped and was caught for the second time, the warden and guards were determined not to let Luke make fools of them a third time.他第二次越狱,被抓住以后,监狱长和守卫都觉得再也不能被卢克愚弄了。