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网络释义:压差;Panel Stuay of Income Dynamics;安全标识符的指针


abbr.1.pounds per square inch, differential

1.压差 psia 磅英寸2 psid 磅英寸2压差 psig 磅英寸2 ...

2.Panel Stuay of Income Dynamics大学社会科学研究所建立了研究收入动态行为的面板数据PSIDPanel Stuay of Income Dynamics),俄亥俄州立大学人力资 …




1.Open TC #2. When flow of water out of TC #2 stops, the differential reading is the pressure drop. Record (must be 1 PSID or more).开启测试旋塞2号。当测试旋塞2号流出的水停止时,则压差读数就是压降。记录(必须是1PSID或以上)。

2.If the reading returns to +PSID, No. 2 shutoff valve is leaking excessively and must be replaced to test the valve.如果读数恢复到+PSID,则2号关闭阀泄漏过于严重,必须对其更换,以便进行阀门的检测。

3.When dripping from bleed screw stops and PSID needle on gauge stabipzes, record the differential pressure .当从排气螺丝上的滴漏停止时,仪表上的PSID指针稳定下来,则记录压差。

4.Requirement: Differential pressure across check must be 1. 0 PSID or above.要求:通过止回阀的压差必须在1.0PSID及以上。

5.Requirement: Supply pressure drop must be 1. 0 PSID or more when water flow stops from test cock No. 2.要求:当水流从测试旋塞2号上停止时,供应压降必须在1.0PSID及以上。

6.Requirement: Supply pressure drop must be 1. 0 PSID or above when water flow stops from test cock No. 2.要求:当测试旋塞2号的水流停止时,供应压降必须等于或大于1.

7.Slowly open VA and lower high side pressure about -2 PSID below the low side pressure (differential reading about -2. 0 PSID ).慢慢开启阀门A,并且降低高端压力使其比低端压力低大约-2PSID(压差读数大约为-2.0PSID)。