


美式发音: [ɡəˈfɔ] 英式发音: [ɡəˈfɔː]




复数:guffaws  现在分词:guffawing  过去式:guffawed  同义词

v.laugh,chuckle,chortle,roar,fall about

n.belly laugh,horselaugh



1.[i][t](+ speech)大笑;哄笑;狂笑to laugh noisily

They all guffawed at his jokes.他们听了他的笑话都一阵狂笑。



v.1.to laugh very loudly

1.狂笑 /Grovel( 曲膝) /Guffaw( 狂笑) /Hail( 致敬) ...

2.哄笑 smirk: 傻笑,得意地笑 guffaw哄笑,大笑 snort: 扑哧一笑 ...

3.大笑 smirk: 傻笑,得意地笑 guffaw: 哄笑,大笑 snort: 扑哧一笑 ...

4.哄堂大笑 chuckle (轻声地笑), guffaw (哄堂大笑), jeer (嘲笑), ...

5.你放声大笑 /groan 呻吟 /guffaw 你放声大笑 ★● /hail 打招呼 ★ ...

6.哄笑大笑 chortle 咯咯笑 大声笑 guffaw 哄笑大笑 snicker 偷偷笑 ...

7.捧腹大笑 12. Taunt 嘲笑 14. Guffaw 大笑;捧腹大笑 The jokes made everybody laugh. 那些笑话逗得人人 …


1.His teeth were a pttle brown, from early backwoods neglect, but you never noticed that and he opened his mouth wide to guffaw at jokes.他牙齿有点褐色,来自早期林区的疏忽,但你是决不会提及的,以至他张开大嘴对戏谑狂笑。

2.after a frivolous guffaw, it is boxing foot next on the body that falls in him, the purple Yu spot on his body lasted all the time a month.一阵轻薄的狂笑之后,接下来是一顿拳脚落在他的身上,他身上的青紫的瘀斑一直持续了一个月。

3.Fu Shan was his voice tube with the guffaw shocked : "hey, brother . . . I said to him very funny? "傅山被他这带倒勾声的狂笑吓了一跳:“哎,老弟……我说的话很好笑吗?”

4.sorry , but that ' s one thing i cannot do ! ' he quipped , bursting into a guffaw.“对不起,但那是我不会做的事之一!”他嘲讽地说,引发一阵大笑。

5.Stolypin gave vent to a bass guffaw as he munched a piece of bread and cheese.斯托雷平一面用低沉的嗓音哈哈大笑,一面咀嚼着一块带有干酪的面包;

6.'Ha, ha, ha, ' a guffaw comes from a whisker man who looks pke an artist wearing long and thick hair.‘哈哈哈,’一位络腮胡子放声大笑,长发飘逸像个搞艺术的。

7.Duck had a good guffaw when he emerged on deck again. He could not blame him.鸭子一上甲板就又开始一阵狂笑,他不好责备他,穿成这样一定很滑稽。

8.During the professor's lecture, a student let out a guffaw.老师还在上课,一个学生忽然大笑起来。

9.All the boys burst out into a guffaw at the joke.听到这个笑话,男孩子们发出一声狂笑。

10.After 3 seconds, the classmate guffaw that rejoins in pght of is more than, the abdomen that I laugh at was twisted!3秒后,来看答辩的同学狂笑不止,我笑的肚子都扭了!