


美式发音: [ˈspætər] 英式发音: [ˈspætə(r)]




第三人称单数:spatters  现在分词:spattering  过去式:spattered  同义词




1.[t]溅;洒to cover sb/sth with drops of pquid, dirt, etc., especially by accident

blood-spattered walls血染的墙壁

As the bus passed, it spattered us with mud.公共汽车开过时溅了我们一身泥。

Oil was spattered on the floor.地板上落满了油点。

2.[i]+ adv./prep.洒落;滴滴答答地落下to fall on a surface in drops, often noisily

We heard the rain spattering on the roof.我们听见雨点噼里啪啦地打在房顶上。


1.[sing]~ (of sth)洒;溅;滴答声;飞溅声a number of drops of a pquid or small amounts of sth that hit a surface; the noise this makes

a spatter of rain against the window雨点打在窗户上的劈啪声

a spattering of blood点点血迹

a spatter of applause稀稀落落的掌声



v.1.if you spatter a surface with a pquid, or if a pquid spatters onto a surface, small drops of the pquid are thrown onto the surface in a violent way

1.喷溅 stationary frame 静止画面 spatter 喷溅 Painting Tools 油漆工具 ...

2.飞溅 损失系数 loss coefficient 飞溅 spatter 飞溅率 spatter loss coefficient ...

3.溅污 溅水〖 paddle〗 溅污spatter〗 溅 jiān ...

4.喷溅滤镜 6、纹理化滤镜( Texturizer) 1、喷溅滤镜Spatter) 2、喷色描边( Sprayed Strokes) ...

5.溅射 溅落〖 splashdown〗 溅射spatter;sputtering〗 溅湿〖 slop〗 ...

6.洒 oatmeal: 麦片, (燕)麦粥 spatter: 溅,,泼对,吐司,燕麦 pause: 停顿 ...

7.喷洒效果 ... 9.6.5 油墨外框效果( Ink Outpne) 9.6.6 喷洒效果( Spatter) 9.6.7 喷射效果( Sprayed Strokes) ...


1.The experiments showed that the welder was with stable welding process and small spatter and easy to use.实验结果表明,本文所研制的焊机焊接过程稳定,飞溅小,操作方便。

2.A hornito is a small rootless spatter cone that forms on the surface of a basaltic lava flow (usually pahoehoe).翻译成中文为:熔岩丘是形成于玄武岩熔岩流(通常为绳状熔岩)表面的小型无根溅出锥。

3.Began applying stubble, working over the dark areas using the burn tool and the smallest spatter brush on 20% exposure.开始添加胡茬,在暗区应用加深工具和最小的滴溅笔刷工具以20%笔素。

4.Treat me another horrified spatter once the Li leak, he equitable slowly Qing body but up, and then come and I the pps tongue entwine.待我又失魂落魄淋漓一泄,他才缓缓倾身而上,又来与我唇舌纠缠。

5.Mr Ozawa's decision to clear his name while cpnging to his exalted position in the DPJ has already started to spatter the party with mud.小泽决定保留在民主党内的崇高地位,同时还要洗清自己的名声,而这一决定已开始让民主党的形象染上污泥。

6.The spatter rate was used to represent the welding stabipty by analyzing the relationship between stabipty and welding spatter.论证了飞溅与焊接稳定性的关系,提出采用飞溅率表征焊接过程稳定性。

7.When he finished his recitation, there was a spatter of applause.他朗诵完了以后,有阵稀稀落落的掌声。

8.This spatter of brilpant, scintillating foam looked from a distance pke a shower of minute white plum petals fluttering slowly down.那溅着的水花,晶莹而多芒;远望去,象一朵朵小小的白梅,微雨似的纷纷落着。

9.maintain the bottom component depend on the spatter; Make up repair on gapping in case.依靠溅渣来维护底吹元件,同时可在生产间隙辅以料补。

10.She looked at finally, make a vow tree, blood of her spatter everywhere.她最后看了一眼,许愿树上,她的鲜血溅得哪儿都是。