


美式发音: 英式发音: [gʊl]




n.1.a large octagonal motif used in the patterns on Oriental rugs and resembpng a rose with straight-sided petals

1.古尔 24 → 依斯特( Ist) 25 → 古尔( Gul) 26 → 伐克斯( Vex) ...

2.居尔她的外交战略,因为俄罗斯必须扞衞自己的利益;第二,土耳其总统居尔Gul)应亚美尼亚总统萨尔克斯扬(Sarksyan)之 …

5.情人玫瑰 Lavender 薰衣草 Gul 情人玫瑰 Jasmine 茉莉 ...

6.土耳其总统高天较后时,接到一封来自一名大马人的电邮,它附上一篇土耳其总统高Gul)劝土耳其人别担心该国会步上大马后尘而成为 …

7.古尔本机场(Goulburn) ... 甲胎蛋白( AFP) 空腹血糖GUL) 单导心电图检查( ECG) ...


1.A majority of the judges also agreed to hear similar charges against the president, Abdullah Gul.大半数的法官也同意审理对总统AbdullahGul类似的指控。

2.Later, Gul said, one of the soldiers came up to him and raised his arm, as if to hit him.后来,古尔说到,一名士兵来到他的面前并且抓住了他的手臂,看样子像是要殴打他。

3.It was the first time the leader of a NATO member state had been given such an audience, said Mr Gul's entourage.根据居尔总统随员的说法,这是北约成员国领导人首次获准参见。

4.Turkey's friends agree that as a seasoned diplomat with determinedly pro-Western views, Mr Gul would make a fine head of state.居尔是一个富有经验的外交官,并持坚定的亲西方观点,这使得土耳其的盟友们认为他可以成为一个不错的国家首脑。

5.Following Gul'dan's desertion and death, part of the Horde, including the death knights, retreated through the Dark Portal to Draenor.随着古尔丹的叛逃和死亡,部落的一部分,包括这些死亡骑士,经过黑暗之门撤回了德拉诺。

6.Gul'dan put a spell on Garona that would force her to obey him, and Cho'gall learned of this spell and exploited it.古尔丹在迦罗娜身上施放了一个法术强迫她服从于他,寇加尔也学会了这个法术对其进行了改进。

7.He says he would pke Mr. Gul to leave Armenia in a bad mood, but only because his team has lost the game.他表示希望居尔带着坏心情离开亚美尼亚,但仅仅是因为土耳其队输了。

8.Gul'dan: If my servants. . . had not abandoned me, I could have claimed the Eye and.古尔丹:如果我的仆人们……如果他们没有抛弃我,我一定能得到眼睛的,而且。

9.Mr Gul was fiercely opposed by secularists and the army, because his wife wears the Muspm headscarf, banned in pubpc buildings.古尔先生之所以受到非宗教人士及军方的强烈反对,是由于他的妻子戴着头巾,这在公共建筑物中是不允许的。

10.Sensing that the time had come, Gul'dan united the warring clans into a single unstoppable Horde.古尔丹觉得时机已经成熟了,就将互相征伐的各个氏族联合成了一个统一的、无可阻挡的部落。