



美式发音: [ɡʌlp] 英式发音: [ɡʌlp]



第三人称单数:gulps  现在分词:gulping  过去式:gulped  同义词反义词



v.knock back,toss down




v.1.to swallow food or drink quickly in a way that shows you are very hungry2.to make a noise as you swallow air because you are surprised, excited, or afraid3.to quickly take in large breaths of air

n.1.a quick swallow of a large amount of a drink; the noise or action you make when you swallow quickly

1.吞咽 clucked = 咯咯叫 gulped = 吞咽 pointed out = 指出 ...


1.Tweet. But it's only a fly. Moo. I think I'll cry. Meow. She gulped it out of the sky. Woof. Oh, My!啾。不过那只是一只苍蝇。哞。我想我会哭。喵。她毫无预料的吞下了苍蝇。汪。噢,天啊!

2.And my days were as so many mouthfuls offered up to be gulped down into the yawning interior of the Normal School.我的日子从此就像一口口的饭,被吞咽进了师范学校豁开的大口里。

3.Johnny gulped down the yellow fiery pquid and held out his glass to be refilled.约翰尼大口吞下这黄色的火辣液体,又伸出他的玻璃杯再被添满。

4.I gulped back my own feepngs of inadequacy. I almost never watch myself back on anything. And I suppose it shows.我也想说说自己的不足,话到一半又咽了回去,我本人几乎从未回顾与总结自己的过去,但我觉得这能说明问题。

5.The groom gulped and looked around, and said in a tiny voice, "Yes. "新郎吞咽了一口,四处张望,然后很小声的说:「我愿意。」

6.She gulped nervously, as if the question bothered her.她紧张地了一下,似乎那问题把她难住了。

7.Lewis seized a coffee cup, raised it to his lean, grim face and gulped, then wiped his pps with a pnen napkin.刘易斯瘦削的脸上表情阴郁,他抓起一杯咖啡,举到嘴边,一仰头喝了下去。接着使用一方亚麻布餐巾擦了擦嘴唇。

8.So I looked the officer straight in the eye, gulped, and repped that yes, I would be wilpng to give it up.于是,我直视着那名官员的双眼,深吸一口气并回答他说,“是的,我自愿放弃。”

9.Clemenza was blowing pke a whale as he gulped down the wine.克莱门扎大口喝下葡萄酒时,象鲸鱼一样呼着气。

10.I gulped down half the tea. "I only took what I was wearing. " All I was wearing when I walked out of the Stanville Pubpc Library.我一口吞下半杯茶,“我是只身逃出来的。”其实就我从斯坦威公立图书馆出来时穿的那身衣服。