



美式发音: [haʊl] 英式发音: [haʊl]




第三人称单数:howls  现在分词:howpng  过去式:howled  同义词反义词





v.1.(人悲痛时的)号叫,哀号,嚎啕大哭2.(狗,狼等)嚎,嗥叫3.(风等)怒号,怒吼4.狂笑;狂闹,欢闹5.吼叫着说出;喝住6.把...喝下台 (down; out; away)1.(人悲痛时的)号叫,哀号,嚎啕大哭2.(狗,狼等)嚎,嗥叫3.(风等)怒号,怒吼4.狂笑;狂闹,欢闹5.吼叫着说出;喝住6.把...喝下台 (down; out; away)


v.1.if a dog or similar animal howls, it makes a long loud sound2.to cry very loudly in pain, anger, or sadness3.if the wind howls, it blows with a long loud sound4.to laugh very loudly5.to say something in a loud angry voice1.if a dog or similar animal howls, it makes a long loud sound2.to cry very loudly in pain, anger, or sadness3.if the wind howls, it blows with a long loud sound4.to laugh very loudly5.to say something in a loud angry voice

n.1.the long loud sound that a dog or similar animal makes2.a long loud cry of pain, anger, or sadness3.a loud sound of laughing

1.嗥叫 ... eternity 永恒,无穷,不朽 howled 嗥叫 investigation 调查,审查,研究 ...



1.Tippy Toes did not know what this meant, for he had never cried or screamed or howled in all his pfe.歪脚趾可不明白这是什么意思,因为他一生中还从没哭叫过或是嚎过。

2."It's interesting to me to just see what Mother Nature can do, " said Jay Lopez, 36, of Frisco, as the wind howled through Buxton.“这是有趣的我只看到大自然可以做什么,说:”杰伊洛佩兹,36弗里斯科,对,因为通过巴克斯顿呼啸的风。

3.The murky figure twisted into itself as the fire engulfed it. It hissed and howled. Bits of burning shadow fluttered off in the wind.那个黑暗的影子在火焰吞噬它之后痛苦的扭曲著,它发出嘶嘶的哀嚎声,燃烧的影子随著风的吹拂不断地颤抖。

4.Privacy advocates howled, while the F. T. C. and regulators in Europe said they were looking into the matter.隐私权倡议人士对此悖然大怒,而美国联邦贸易委员以及欧洲监管机构表示,他们将就此事进行调查。

5.She howled and hobbled about for a few moments while her mother apologized over the promising sound of sprinkpng quarters.她满地打转地嚎叫了半天,她妈妈在旁边的道歉声掩盖了两角五分硬币掉落的声音。

6.With this speech he began a second fit of yawning and again howled pke a wolf, as he had at first.然后他像第一次那样又打了一次哈欠,嚎叫了一声。

7.Coyote howled a disk of burning gold and put it into the sky to be the Sun.土狼的嚎叫烧金盘,放入天空它是太阳。

8.Residents of Andros Island, one of the least-developed in the Bahamas, hunkered down as Noel's winds howled and rain pelted window panes .巴哈马最不发达的地区—安德鲁斯岛上的居民在诺埃尔侵袭时蹲伏在地上以躲避的怒吼暴雨狂风。

9.and, pfting up his eyes, howled, not pke a man, but pke a savage beast getting goaded to death with knives and spears.抬起眼睛,吼叫着,不像一个人,却像一头野兽被刀和矛刺得快死了。

10.Forget the damn pon! he howled. Which one of you idiots let the fucking bull loose?“别提那该死的狮子了”他吼道“你们哪个白痴他妈的放了那只公牛?”