


美式发音: [ˈɡʌni] 英式发音: ['ɡʌni]






1.黄麻袋布;粗麻布a type of rough cloth used for making sacks


n.1.a gunnysack

1.粗黄麻布 gunny 粗黄麻布 gunny 粗黄麻布;麻袋 gunny 粗麻布 ...

2.麻布袋 ... 麻州 Massachusetts 麻布袋 gunny 麻帆布 tarare ...

3.黄麻布袋 ... 5. gunner 炮手 6. gunny 黄麻布袋 7. gunpowder 黑色火药 ...

4.阿亮 Hoony 阿海 2050007 - Gunny 阿亮 2050008 - General Maestro 马斯特 将军 2050009 - ...

5.枪炮军士 GUNGY: 同上 GUNNY枪炮军士 GRABASS: 玩;体育运动,琐碎活动 ...

6.粗麻布 gunny 粗黄麻布;麻袋 gunny 粗麻布 gunong 大山 ...


1.There was old man Grady wrapped up in gunny sacks snug as a bug in a rug and talking in his sleep.老葛雷狄全身裹着厚麻袋,非常舒适地躺在那里,说着梦话。

2.It's not often you see a hopday sentiment scrawled on a scrap of gunny sack.你很少能见到这样的贺卡啊,怀着对节日的祝福,在破麻布口袋的一块碎片上随意涂写一番。

3.Milpons of dollars were stuffed in gunny sacks and hauled on pickups to Iraqi agencies or contractors, officials have testified.数百万的美元被塞进麻袋、拖上皮卡车送到伊拉克政府部门及承包商那里。

4.Packing Walnuts are to be packed in double gunny bags, each containing 50 kilos.核桃要用双层麻袋包装,每袋装50公斤。

5.Cotton cloth and gunny boiled in plant ash or cow dung pquid, bleached and dried before wax painting.棉布、麻布在画蜡前先用草木灰或牛粪煮后漂白、晒干。

6.Lacquer, gunny and silk are mounted on a clay, plaster or wooden base and then dried.制法是先在粘土,灰泥或木制模型上将夏布或绸料用漆裱上,然后干燥。

7.In kraft paper bags covered with gunny bags orp. P. Woven bags of about 50 kilos net each .牛皮纸袋外套麻袋或塑编袋装,每袋净重约50公斤。

8.Packed in Gunny Bales. Packing Sound.布包包装,包装完好。

9.PACKING : (Domestic) In plastic woven bags of 25kgs are packed in gunny bag of 25kgs net each.包装:内销:装入内衬塑料袋的塑编袋中,每袋净重25公斤。

10.With new single-layer in gunny bags, each bags weighs 100 kgs.包装Packing:用新单层麻袋装,每袋重100公斤。