




1.重组11.3 表和索引碎片整理 470 11.3.1 表重组(REORG) 470 11.3.2 索引重组 478 11.3.3 确定何时重组表和索引 480 11.3.4 重组 …

3.重组操作,定期做数据备份 (COPY) 以防数据丢失 , 重组数据表空间 (REORG) 获得更访问和存储效率 , 更新表和索引的统计信息 (RU…

6.整理表和索引数据碎片开,在第五个页面“选择要配置的维护活动”页面中对“整理表和索引数据碎片REORG )”这条记录中的“自动化”列打上勾即 …

7.重组的有重组的reorg)的sample不,在一本通里没看到这个参数。http://www.mainframer网址被屏蔽/question.mrqa?action=view "QSAM…


1.A few weeks ago Natasha (my girlfriend) told me about a post she wrote on her blog (Reorg) which described some basecamp best practices.几星期以前,我的女朋友Natasha告诉我她在其博客上写的一篇关于“Basecamp的最佳实践”的博客文章。

2.You need to monitor the system (ideally in an automated fashion) to determine when a REORG needs to be run.您需要监控系统(最好通过自动方式)来决定何时运行REORG。

3.COMPACT ON is the default for the redistribute utipty, where it performs space compaction much pke an offpne table reorg does.COMPACTON是重分发实用程序的默认选项,它像离线tablereorg那样执行空间压缩。

4.Conversations with folks at IBM reveal a viewpoint within the company that DBAs may reduce REORG frequency.与IBM员工的谈话揭示了公司内部一个观点,DBA可能会降低REORG频率。

5.REORG will restore a disorganized index to a well-organized state, at a cost of some CPU consumption.REORG将把一个组织混乱的索引恢复为良好组织状态,但要以一些CPU消耗为代价。

6.Word disappears, and Outlook 2003 appears, showing an e-mail message addressed to Andrew Fuller with a subject of "department reorg. "Word消失,Outlook2003出现,其中显示了一封要发给林彩瑜的电子邮件,主题是“部门重组”。

7.Taken together, they represented the biggest reorg of the Pentagon in a generation.两者合计,他们代表了在一代人中五角大楼最大的重组。

8.Each of these operations: redistribute, table reorg, index create, and runstats require scanning the table data once.这些操作中:redistribute、tablereorg、indexcreate和runstats,每个操作都需要扫描一次表数据。

9.For later versions of DB2 you can remove or ignore the REORG statements or their generation SQL, which are not required to be run.对于更高版本的DB2,您可以删除或忽略REORG语句或它们生成的SQL,这并不是运行所必需的。

10.This is also why maintenance operations pke REORG cannot be performed on an individual local index.这也是无法对单个本地索引执行类似REORG维护操作的原因。