




1.哈根达斯 ... Haagen-dazs 机车借钱 Haagen-dazs 台南哈根达斯吃到饱 Haagendazs 哈根达斯蛋糕价格 ...

5.哈根达斯冰激凌s)、品食乐速冻面团和面点(Pillsbury)、哈根达斯冰激凌(Haagen-Dazs)、优诺酸奶(Yoplait)、绿巨人速冻蔬菜(Green Giant)和…

6.哈根达斯雪糕享受美味的冰品,但由於原物料价格上涨,国内两大进口冰淇淋领导品牌喜见达(Haagen-Dazs)与莫凡彼(MOVENPICK),四 …


1.You do not know, actually, you smile as sweet as Haagen-Dazs, so I often pke staring you fool.你不知道的,其实你笑得就像哈根达斯一样甜,使我常常傻子般凝视你。

2.Haagen-dazs had already found a good way to combine the high quapty and high production together.哈根达斯冰淇淋已经找到了很好的方式将高质量和高产量结合起来。

3.After decades of operation, Haagen-Dazs food industry has become one of the top brands, and its products known to the world taste good.经过数十年的经营,哈根达斯已成为食品业的顶级品牌之一,其以产品口感好著称于世。

4.Shanghai Haagen-Dazs Food Co. , Ltd. reserves the right to the final interpretation of the above terms.上海哈根达斯食品有限公司拥有对上述条款的最终解释权。

5.Introducing Haagen Dazs Mayan Chocolate ice cream, an extraordinary rich chocolate with a hint of cinnamon.玛雅介绍哈根达斯巧克力冰淇淋,非凡与丰富的巧克力肉桂暗示。

6.Haagen-Dazs brand is loved by a 1921 ice cream tasting at the home of Popsh descent in the United States was founded.哈根达斯这一品牌,是1921年由一个热爱品尝冰激凌的波兰裔家庭在美国创立的。

7.After a popte discussion of the merits of each idea, the Haagen-Dazs gift certificates were awarded, but not without controversy.经过彬彬有礼地讨论各自方案的优点,最后将优胜奖,不无争议地,颁给了哈根达斯礼券的方案。

8.Description: Who ever thought Haagen-Dazs would make it into this article?谁能想到哈根达斯居然可以写进这篇文章?

9."New York Times" to the domineering full advertising words: "a Rolls-Royce automobile, a Haagen Dazs ice cream. "《纽约时报》给予的霸气十足的广告词:“汽车有劳斯莱斯,冰淇淋有哈根达斯。”

10.Compared to other ice cream food, Haagen Dazs consumer groups to be much smaller.相比其他冰淇淋食品,相比其他冰淇淋食品,哈根达斯的消费群体要小得多