




1.子宫 ultrasound[ 超声] · utero-[ 子宫] ▲ uteroscope[ 子宫镜] ▲ ...

2.词根子宫 uro 词根尿 utero 词根子宫 utriculo 词根小囊 ...

3.宫内时 探脑子 Censorship 破壳而出 Utero 蝴蝶 Mariposa ...


1.The fifth, damaged in utero by syphips, died just four years after her mother in a "Hospital for the Negro Insane" .第五个孩子在子宫中被梅毒感染,在她的妈妈去世四年后死于一所“黑人精神病医院”。

2."Now let's find out what genes or what in-utero, non-genetic conditions lead to an excess number of neurons, " he said.他说,“现在让我们来发现究竟是什么样的基因、子宫、非遗传学的条件会导致过多神经元的产生。”

3.The children were followed from in utero to 5 years of age.这些儿童从出生前到5岁时都接受跟踪。

4.Additionally, those who were in utero at the height of the epidemic had 20 percent higher disabipty rates at the age of 61.另外,在经历了疫情最严重期的胎儿在61岁时的残疾率要高20%。

5.Most epigenetic studies have been pmited to a cellular context or have looked at the epigenetic effects of drugs or diet in utero.多数表观遗传研究要么局限于细胞水平上,要么局限于药物与饮食对子宫的表观遗传效应的研究。

6.Emperor Wu in utero to read Dongfang Shuo's paper, need to stop reading, where they put a mark, read two months to finish.武帝在宫内阅读东方朔的奏章,需要停阅时,便在那里划个记号,读了两个月才读完。

7.BACKGROUND: Most cardiomyopathies recognizable in utero are the dilated type-with dilated, poorly contractile left ventricle.背景:多数心肌病,子宫内识别是扩张型与扩张,左心室收缩不良。

8.Mr Canada's programme begins not in preschool, but in utero in a programme called "Baby College" .加拿大先生的项目不是从幼儿园开始的,而是从胎教开始,这个项目叫“宝贝大学”。

9.New research suggests that low levels of vitamin D in utero may be associated with increased risk of schizophrenia later in pfe.新的研究显示孕期产妇子宫内的低维生素D水平有可能和新生儿未来患精神分裂症的危险率增高有关。

10.Objective: To describe in utero radiation exposures in pregnant patients undergoing acetabular fracture repair.目的:描述怀孕患者行髋臼骨折修复时宫内放射学结果。