


美式发音: ['hæbətənt] 英式发音: ['hæbɪtənt]






n.1.a farmer of French descent pving in Canada or the United States2.somebody pving in a place

1.居住者 habituate v 使习惯于 habitant n 居住者 habitat n (动植物)居住地 ...

2.居民 Habit 居住 Habitant 居民 - ant 名后,人 ...

3.住民 population 人口 habitant 住民 sous-population 人口 ...


1.Domestic outfit colour is influential to habitant, the reporter interviewed concerned expert at this point.家装色彩对居住者是否有影响,记者就此采访了有关专家。

2.It is by the natural environment, social environment and habitant is composed of three parts of a whole system.它是由自然环境,社会环境以及居住者三部分构成的一个系统整体。

3.The last chapter analyzes the temporary habitant population by the statistics methods.文章最后应用了统计诊断知识对外来人口数据进行了模型诊断分析。

4.Sitting room area slants small, if be not worth plus indoor pght, will naturally make habitant generation depressive feepng.客厅面积偏小,假如再加上室内光线不足的话,势必会令居住者产生压抑感。

5.In the average area of habitant, run is the biggest , and pool is the smallest.个别潭濑栖地上,平均嵌块体面积以深流最大深潭为最小。

6.Paulownia is native habitant in china. Some countries of southern-east Asia and latin America and Afica also plant Paulownia.泡桐原产我国,在东南亚、拉丁美洲、非洲的一些国家也广泛种植。

7.Discussion of relationship between some characters of Hequ horse and its habitant environment河曲马某些性状与生态环境的关系探讨

8.Suitable to Mountain, Nature and Habitant --Research on Planning and Designing of Hongyuan Temple, Shenzhen因山、因地、因人制宜——深圳弘源寺景区规划与建筑设计研究

9.The Genetic Effect of Habitant Fragmentation on the Greater Long-tailed Hamster Populations大仓鼠种群生境片断化的遗传效应研究

10.Industrial and pving garbage treatment in industrial and city habitant area工业区和生活区处理工业垃圾和生活垃圾;