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1.克罗斯比 BLEECKER 布雷克系列 CROSBY 克罗斯比系列 POPPY 波碧系列 ...

6.科罗斯比 香堤( Chiant) 科罗斯比( Crosby) 鲑鱼孔雀( Salmon Peacock) ...

7.克罗斯比湾这100尊铸铁人从2005年起就立在克罗斯比湾Crosby)三公里长的沙滩上。它们在海湾的沙滩上已经一动不动站了很多年, …

8.克劳士比著名的质量管理大师克劳士比Crosby)在其著作中多次提到,最有意义的质量度量是质量的成本,认为组织的改进活动的重 …


1.She also noted the irony that Crosby's call for discippne appeared to have been leaked to the media beforehand.她说,很讽刺的是,克罗斯比呼吁议员们不要抱怨一事已提前被媒体获悉。

2.There's a dance up at Crosby's barn tonight, and Bill Fox, you know him, ma'am, he works in Paxley's garage he's asked me to go.今晚在克劳斯贝家的仓库里有个舞会,比尔。福克斯,夫人,您认识他的,他在帕克斯雷汽车修理厂工作,他叫我去参加舞会。

3.In January, Sidney Crosby, one of the sport's best players, was concussed in consecutive games after suffering a number of hits to the head.今年1月,身为最佳冰球运动员之一的西德尼•克罗斯比(SidneyCrosby)连续参加比赛,头部多次受到撞击,造成了脑震荡。

4.Crosby had his first rib removed from each side and was soon able to stop taking the warfarin. He has been symptom-free for four years.克罗斯比两边的第一根肋骨都被摘除,很快他就停止服用华法林阻凝剂,他已经四年没有在发病了。

5.In the longer run institutional barriers will prove more of a problem, argues Simon Crosby, Citrix's chief technology officer.Citrix公司首席技术官SimonCrosby表示,从更长远来看,制度障碍也将证实是个问题。

6.I decided to take a walk down Crosby to visit my favorite store Ateper.我决定采取往下走克罗斯访问我最喜爱的商店画室。

7.Crosby was a weightpfter and a teacher.克罗斯比既是一名举重运动员还是一名教师。

8.Columbus's signal accomppshment was, in the phrase of the historian Alfred W. Crosby, to resit the seams of Pangaea.按照历史学家阿尔弗雷德·W·克罗斯比的说法就是,哥伦布最非凡的成就在于将原始大陆的缝隙重新弥合。

9.As Bob Crosby of the Washington Evolutionary Systems Society unabashedly says, "Where other people see the hand of God, we see evolution. "例如,华盛顿演化系统协会的鲍伯·克劳斯贝就大胆地说,“其他人看见的是上帝的手,我们看见的是进化。”

10.Bing Crosby was a singer and actor whose mother's family came from Ireland.宾.克鲁斯拜是一位歌唱家和演员,他的母亲一家来自爱尔兰。