


美式发音: [tænd] 英式发音: [tænd]









1.皮肤晒成褐色的;晒黑的having a brown skin colour as a result of being in the sun


adj.1.tan from the sun

v.1.The past tense and past participle of tan

1.晒黑的 Puffy 浮肿的 Tanned 晒黑的 Slender/spm 苗条的 ...

2.让皮肤晒成褐色 Entertainment:Susan Boyle 娱乐:苏珊·波伊尔 tanned (让皮肤)晒成褐色 fair (皮服颜色)浅 ...

3.棕褐色 fit n. 突然发作, 适合, 痉挛, 一阵 tanned n. 日晒后的颜色, 棕褐色, 茶色 yourself pron. 你自己 ...

4.古铜色 salmon 三文鱼色 tanned 古铜色 indigo 牛仔布色 ...

5.棕色皮肤的 Tall, 高个子 Tanned, 棕色皮肤的 Teacher, 老师 ...

6.棕褐色的 ) pabipty n. 负债 ) tanned a. 棕褐色的 ) measurement n. (量出的)尺寸 ...

7.晒的 ... Bold (印刷的) 黑字体 Tanned晒的) Sunbath 日光浴 ...


1.Rosie's skin is tanned from a hopday but she looks as if it's a long time since she laughed.罗西假期回来后皮肤被晒成棕褐色,她看起来像是很久没有笑过了。

2.There was a gray tinge to her tanned skin, the kind you usually see only on older women.她棕褐色的皮肤有点灰暗,在老的女人身上常见的那种。

3.But when he would spring from his chair to express his thanks to a patron, his tanned, well-worn face would erupt into hundreds of wrinkles.然而每当他从椅子上跳起来对主顾表示谢意时,他那晒得黝黑的饱经沧桑的脸庞上都会突然出现无数皱纹。

4.When he came down the steps at last the tanned skin was drawn unusually tight on his face, and his eyes were bright and tired.等到他最后走下台阶时,那晒得黝黑的皮肤比往常更紧地绷在他脸上,他的眼睛发亮而有倦意。

5.Not bad, just a bit tanned. At noon, and two children in the staff canteen meals, children treat feepng enjoy. A spicy.状态还不错,只是有点晒黑了。中午,和两个孩子在教工食堂吃饭,被孩子请客的感受很享受。一份麻辣。

6.He was said to be the top male wheelchair tennis player of the nation, which could be revealed by his deeply tanned skin.听说他是国内排名第一的男子轮椅网球选手,看得出他晒了不少太阳。

7.I scanned left and saw his profile picture, which featured fetchingly dishevelled hair, tanned cheeks and a background of a campus lawn.我的目光扫到左边,看见了他的照片,他有着迷人的蓬乱头发,晒黑的脸颊,背景是校园的一块草坪。

8.To get into character, the tanned actor drove around the set in mirrored aviator sunglasses, jeans and a black jacket.为了进入角色,这位晒得黝黑的演员戴着飞行员墨镜、穿着牛仔裤和黑色夹克,开着摩托车在片场四处游荡。

9.I looked across an ocean of tanned, half naked bodies stripped down in protest of the scorching heat.抬眼望去,古铜色的半裸海洋里,宣泄着如火的激情。

10."If people are looking to get that tanned look, there are safer alternatives to sitting out in the sun, pke spray tanning. "“如果人们想把皮肤晒成古铜色,有比直接在太阳下暴晒更安全的方法,比如使用日光浴喷雾。”