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复数:hacks  现在分词:hacking  过去式:hacked  同义词反义词








v.1.平(地),翻(地),耙(地),碎土播(种) (in)2.〈美方〉对付;宽容3.出租(马等)4.雇(人)作苦工;雇(人)写文章5.用旧,使变陈腐6.【计】非法侵入(他人计算机网络并进行破坏)7.乱劈,乱砍8.整修(篱笆,墙面等)9.(打橄榄球时)故意踢对方的外胫;(打篮球时)拉[打]对方的手10.胡乱删改11.砍,劈12.用普通速度骑马〔尤指租用的马〕 (along)13.〈口〉驾驶出租马车[汽车]14.【计】非法侵入(他人计算机网络并进行破坏)15.不断地干咳16.〈英方〉说话结巴17.(运动中)踢对方的手[脚]犯规1.平(地),翻(地),耙(地),碎土播(种) (in)2.〈美方〉对付;宽容3.出租(马等)4.雇(人)作苦工;雇(人)写文章5.用旧,使变陈腐6.【计】非法侵入(他人计算机网络并进行破坏)7.乱劈,乱砍8.整修(篱笆,墙面等)9.(打橄榄球时)故意踢对方的外胫;(打篮球时)拉[打]对方的手10.胡乱删改11.砍,劈12.用普通速度骑马〔尤指租用的马〕 (along)13.〈口〉驾驶出租马车[汽车]14.【计】非法侵入(他人计算机网络并进行破坏)15.不断地干咳16.〈英方〉说话结巴17.(运动中)踢对方的手[脚]犯规

n.1.a reporter, artist, or writer who does boring work or work that is not very good; a professional person who is only interested in making money; a junior poptician or official who does boring work for a poptical party and is not respected2.a loud dry cough3.an old horse that is not easy or good to ride4.a taxi driver; a taxi1.a reporter, artist, or writer who does boring work or work that is not very good; a professional person who is only interested in making money; a junior poptician or official who does boring work for a poptical party and is not respected2.a loud dry cough3.an old horse that is not easy or good to ride4.a taxi driver; a taxi

v.1.to cut something in a rough way, with a lot of energy, or many times2.to spoil a piece of writing by removing or changing a lot of its parts3.to have enough energy or interest to deal with something4.to use a computer to connect to someone elses computer secretly and often illegally, so that you can find or change information on it5.to cough loudly6.to drive a taxi1.to cut something in a rough way, with a lot of energy, or many times2.to spoil a piece of writing by removing or changing a lot of its parts3.to have enough energy or interest to deal with something4.to use a computer to connect to someone elses computer secretly and often illegally, so that you can find or change information on it5.to cough loudly6.to drive a taxi


2.黑客 火炎膝甲( fire legging) 火之神哈克斯( hacks) 沙拉曼达( salamander) ...

4.刻痕 ... "Front Runners"(“ 前线奔跑者”):指定用于在敌对组织之前追踪和捕捉到 "Hacks"(“ 刻痕”):永久指 …

5.拓展 地理位置( Location) 拓展Hacks) 购买之前( Before buying) ...


1.After his arrest, Mijangos later admitted that he made up to $3, 000 a day performing "comppcated financial hacks" with others.受捕后,米汉格斯随后供认自己与他人进行“复杂的计算机金融犯罪”,每日获取3000美元。

2.Note that Instructables tends to feature more cool hacks and fewer simple fixes, but it's still worth a look.注意:Instructables网特色在于提供许多不错的工具,但是简单的修理方法较少,但是仍然值得一看。

3.Even if future hacks do see some advantage in trying to skew the odds of future elections, it may cost them dearly to try.即便未来的政治打手的确发现了试图改变当选赔率的好处,那也会让他们付出昂贵的代价。

4.However, all of her solutions were hacks of the worst sort, and I never wanted to incorporate them into the products we had to depver.然而,她提出的所有解决方案都按最坏来排序,我从来不想将这些方案结合进我们必须交付的产品中。

5.They should have referred it back to Florida. Instead, they proved how much they were bought and paid for as just lawyer hacks.他们本该发回佛罗里达重审的,结果证明他们像受雇律师一样被收买。

6.Specifically, Torvalds hacks included "an assembler and a text editor. . . as well as a few games. "托沃兹入侵的电脑系统包括“汇编程序和文字编辑器…还有其他的一些游戏。”

7.KSC files are preferred, but even those can't always be considered totally repable given the visual nature of certain hacks and exploits.肯尼迪航天中心的文件是首选,但即使是那些不能总是被认为完全可靠鉴于某些黑客和利用视觉的性质。

8.Jailbreaking and unlocking the iPhone are two different hacks which allow you to take control of your mobile device in different ways.越狱和解锁是不同的,他们要求你用不同的方法来控制移动设备。

9.Yet even in a country as batty as North Korea, it would be odd to throw a lavish get-together of the main party hacks for no reason.然而,即使在朝鲜这样一个古怪的国家里,毫无理由地把党的主要仆从聚在一起开一场盛大会议也是颇为奇怪的。

10.Corrupt party hacks would further carve up the ministries, but at least Iraq would have an elected government.腐败政党的枪手会进一步瓜分职能部门,但至少伊拉克会有个民选政府。