




1.过去完成时 was done 过去完成 过去完成时 had been done 将来进行时 will be being done ...

2.过去完成时的被动语态 ... lorry truck 卡车 had been done 过去完成时的被动语态 that 结果状语从句 ...

3.现在完成进行时 ... were doing 现在完成时 had been done 现在完成进行时 will have been done …

4.过去完成时的被动形式 ... 将来完成时的被动形式为: will/shall have been done 过去完成时的被动形式had been done ...


1.it was as if he were now the only friend she had on earth . the next morning drouet was interested again , but the damage had been done.第二天早上杜洛埃对她排演的事又感兴趣起来,可是已经为时太晚,他的损失无法挽回了。

2.All which had been done . . . was the effect not of humor, but of system. (Edmund Burke).所有已经做过的…不是情绪而是制度的结果.(爱德蒙·伯克)。

3.This, too, had been done sporadically, but now that it was regularly scheduled, it was easy to know who had been inducted.这个也是过去偶而会做的事,但是现在被定期安排,如此,才很容易知道谁已经经过入会仪式。

4.In May, however, a senior general admitted it had been done so that the women would not later claim that they had been raped by soldiers.然而,在五月份的时候,一名上将承认为了确保妇女们以后不会说出她们被士兵强暴的事实,他们确实这样做过。

5.employment is a social economical problem , it had brought about from employ labor when industry revolution had been done.就业问题是工业革命后因雇佣劳动而产生的社会经济现象,它是社会经济发展到一定阶段的产物。

6.It was a warm, friendly meeting. They thought back over Jackson's years in the White House and talked about what had been done.这些会面都非常友好和温馨,他们一起回顾了杰克逊在白宫的岁月,并谈论曾经所发生的一切。

7.I knew something had been done with the pghts on the tower due to this video, but I had no idea what.我知道某事完成与在塔的光由于这录影,但是我不知道什么。

8.Firstly, he said the experiments had been done on dry - or briefly soaked - rocks at room temperature and pressure.他说首先,这些实验是在处于室温和室内压力的干燥的或是经过简单浸泡的岩石上作的。

9.Qi's wife added that she was very satisfied with all that had been done for them.齐承斌的妻子补充说,对人们为他们所做的一切,她心存感激。

10.Residents say that cracks in the dyke, built by the Dutch in 1933, had been spotted a year ago, but nothing had been done.当地居民称一年前就有人发现这座1933年由荷兰人修筑的堤坝上出现了裂缝,但是政府没有采取任何措施。