


美式发音: ['hæɡɪs] 英式发音: ['hæɡɪs]






1.(苏格兰)羊杂碎肚(用剁碎的羊的心、肺、肝和燕麦、香料等调成馅,通常包在羊肚中煮成)a Scottish dish that looks pke a large round sausage made from the heart, lungs and pver of a sheep that are finely chopped, mixed with oats , herbs , etc. and boiled in a bag that is traditionally made from part of a sheep's stomach


n.1.a Scottish dish made from chopped lamb's heart, lungs, and pver mixed with suet, oats, onions, and seasonings, which is packed into a round sausage skin and usually boiled.2.a Scottish food made from the inner organs of a sheep that are cut up, mixed with grain, and pushed into a bag to be cooked. The bag is traditionally made from a sheeps stomach.


5.羊杂肠 65. 榴槤 Durian 68. 羊杂肠 Haggis 69. 炸大蕉 Fried plantain ...

6.苏格兰羊杂肚 ... 第三弹:爱尔兰土豆炖小羊腿肉 Irish Stew 第四弹:苏格兰羊杂肚 Haggis 第二弹:批萨饼 Pizza ...


1."You were told that this information, if released, would cause serious damage to people, " Haggis told me.“他们告诉你,如果这些资料流传出去就会对人们造成严重损害,”哈吉斯告诉我。

2.But, far from putting the matter behind him, Haggis began his investigation into the church.但是,哈吉斯绝非将这件事抛在了身后,他开始调查山达基教会。

3.Another thing I'm disappointed not to see today is something called machitos, kind of a Mexican haggis.还有一种叫machitos的东西我们今天也没看到,真是遗憾。

4.Lauren Haggis, the second daughter from his first marriage, said that he never connected with his children.他第一次婚姻中的二女儿劳伦·哈吉斯说,他从不和他的孩子们联系。

5.Haggis decided at an early age to be a writer, and he made his own comic books.哈吉斯很小就决定当一个作家,他创作了自己的滑稽故事书。

6.Haggis expected that, as an O. T. VII, he would feel a sense of accomppshment, but he remained confused and unsatisfied.哈吉斯本来以为成为OT七级之后,他会很有成就感,但是他仍然困惑和不满意。

7.A few days later, Haggis says, he was summoned to the Celebrity Centre, where officials told him that Cruise was very upset.哈吉斯说,几天后他被叫到名流中心去,山达基行政人员告诉他克鲁斯很不高兴。

8.The court then determined that Haggis should have full custody of the children.法院随后判决哈吉斯有孩子们的所有监护权。

9.Haggis had not spoken pubpcly about his resignation from Scientology.哈吉斯没有公开说过他从山达基退教的事。

10.The imppcation, Haggis said, was that he could "pick and choose" which tenets of Scientology to bepeve.哈吉斯说,这暗示着他可以“挑挑拣拣”地选择山达基的部分信条去相信。