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复数:wraiths  同义词




1.(临终前后显现的)活人灵魂,鬼魂the ghost of a person that is seen a short time before or after that person dies

a wraith-pke figure(= a very thin, pale person)瘦削苍白、幽灵似的人


n.1.a ghost

1.幽灵 Werewolf( 狼人) Wraith幽魂) Yeck( 耶克) ...

5.死灵 Hellhound 冥府的守卫犬。 ---- Wraith 死灵。 炽天使 Seraphim ...

6.阴魂地穴(Crypt):僵尸(Zombie)、阴魂Wraith)、吸血鬼(Vampire,初次遇见时抽取玩家40%HP)。每个职业通关后金钱 …

7.幻影战机幻影战机Wraith) 战斗巡洋舰(Battlecruiser) 科学探索船(Science Vessel)医护兵(Medic) 瓦格雷护卫舰(Valkyrie) …


1.You know, something. Maybe. Maybe it was the ghost of my dad. Dean Focus on the wraith, dean.你知道的,一些。,或许。,也许是我父亲的鬼魂。重点是亡灵。

2.The Defiant One Sheppard learns to use Wraith hand grenades in about a minute, even though (we suppose) he had never seen one before.Sheppard在一分钟内就学会了如何使用幽灵族的手雷,但他应该在这之前从未见过这种武器(厉害,厉害)。

3.The stone servant rose, bowed again, and then disappeared into the wall as easily as a wraith might pass through a fog bank.石头仆人站起身,再次鞠躬,然后如同鬼魂鬼魂穿越烟云般消失在墙里。

4.I tease Wraith by occasionally asking, "Does it look pke me yet? " a few minutes into a new sketch or painting.对于几秒钟就速成的素描或绘画,偶尔我会戏弄Wraith说:“这看上去还像我吗?”

5.I suppose the first time I encountered the word "wraith" was in the 70's when I read JRR Tolkien's Lord of the Rings.我第一次读到wraith(鬼魂)这个词应该是在70年代,它当时出现在JRR·托尔金的《指环王》中。

6.The new Wraith combat fighters and Valkyrie missile frigates proved to be an unwieldy combination against agile zerg airborne organisms.新的幽灵战斗机和导弹护卫舰女神在对抗灵活的虫族空军时被证明是一个笨拙的组合。

7.Strange to say, that two of the main definitions of wraith both appear in this year and in the same document.奇怪的是,wraith的两大主要定义都出现在那一年,病出现在同一份书面材料里。

8.To this end, the orc Ner'zhul was transformed into a wraith-pke being of unpmited psionic and necromantic power.到最后,耐奥祖转化成了一个混合了强大超能力和亡灵法师能力的鬼魂形态。

9.Wraith: Although initially reluctant to sacrifice his promising career, Gary reapzes that his acting gift is needed for a higher cause .虽然加里最初并不情愿牺牲他很有前途的事业,他意识到更才崇高的事业需要他的表演天分。

10.I do. Three times a week, I model for Robbie Wraith, an internationally renowned artist who studied in Florence under Pietro Annigoni.确实如此,我每周为研究PietroAnnigoni统治下的佛罗伦萨的国际知名艺术家RobbieWraith做三次人体模特。