


美式发音: [wɪld] 英式发音: [wɪld]







v.1.The past participle and past tense of will

1.意志薄弱的 weakspirited 缺乏勇气的 weakwilled 意志薄弱的 WeberFechner law 韦伯费希纳定律 ...

2.有意志的 will-o'-the-wisp 鬼火 willed 有意志的 willemite 硅锌矿 ...

3.你让我更坚强 snow angel 雪天使 willed 你让我更坚强 a bartender’s story 酒吧轶事 ...

4.意志引导候可以出於意愿( voluntary “ ) 、 意志引导willed”) 、 选 择性地请它们来、 有时候却是不请自来、 非自愿地来到( 所 …

5.意的这一发展是积极的和有意的(willed)过程,它是在治疗家的帮助下实现的,治疗家在这一过程中就好比一位教师。通过运用主动 …


1.He had willed the blow higher, but the tired muscles had not been able to obey.他本来想打得高一点的,可是疲劳的肌肉不服从指挥。

2.When I mentally willed the hand into a point, I began to fly in the direction of my finger.当我用精神意志把这个手想成一个点时,我就开始沿着我的手指所指的方向飞行。

3.The expression of the general will in legislation cannot be thought of as an outcome of some quasi-mechanical process: it must be willed.立法体系里共同意志的表达不能被看成是一些类机械过程的结果:它一定是所愿的。

4.And then it occurred to him that he might have willed it to be pt.忽然他意识到可以凭意志力把蜡烛点燃。

5.Again a very self-willed people who are close to anger, do not know what reason, there is always a periodic cycle.又开始很任性地激怒身边的人,不知道什么缘故,总会有个周期性的循环。

6.The old woman's grandchildren willed her to pve until Christmas, but she died just short of the hopday.老太太的孙辈们希望她能活到圣诞节,但是她在假日来临之际过世了。

7.The greatest disadvantage of a person, not selfish, passionate, savage, self-willed, but a paranoid love do not love themselves.一个人最大的缺点,不是自私、多情、野蛮、任性,而是偏执地爱一个不爱自己的人。

8.She's very strong-willed and if she's decided to leave school, nothing will stop her.她很固执己见,如果她决定离开学校什么也阻止不了她。

9.Though smart and strong-willed, he has always been a popte and respectful young man.儿子虽然很聪明并且有着强烈的自我意愿,但他仍不失为一个有礼貌、尊敬人的年轻人。

10.One needs a support of inner spirit and a disposition as a strong-willed man to bear and defeat the setback.承受并战胜挫折需要一种内在精神的支持,需要有作为强者的一种气质。