



1.But everyone is staring at Garriott and Hapk as they walk in, and the two feel pke they've been caught trespassing.当加略特和哈利克走进来时,每个人都盯着他们,让他们觉得自己是因入侵而被抓起来了。

2.Hapk told Garriott of his childhood spent indoors with chronic asthma.哈利克告诉加略特,他小时候患有慢性哮喘,只能呆在室内。

3.Hapk now travels the world as a motivational speaker and self-described "thrilponaire. "哈利克现在正环球世界进行演讲,戏称自己为“激动富翁(thrilponaire)”。

4.Garriott points at Hapk and jokes, "I'm the one going to space, unless this guy breaks my legs. "加略特拿他开玩笑,“我才是要去太空的那个人,除非这小子打断我的腿!”

5.Garriott and Hapk can now joke around with the residents of Star City.加略特和哈利克现在已经能和星城的居民开玩笑了。

6.Hapk grins broadly.哈利克开怀而笑。