


美式发音: [ˈmæθjuz] 英式发音: [ˈmæθju:z]





1.马修斯 Mason 梅森 Matthews 马修斯 Mitchell 米切尔 ...


3.马休斯 ... Mason Jr.,Roger Mason Jr., 罗杰 Matthews,Wesley 马休斯,韦斯利 Maxiell,Jason 马克希尔, …

4.马修斯市 EBS( 亿必士) Matthews麦寿斯) WILLETT( 威利) ...

6.马修兹 Sic-Marking( 西刻) Matthews( 麦修斯) Macsa( 玛萨) ...


1.Jon Matthews, 60, was diagnosed with terminal cancer, in April 2006 and his doctor told him he would not be apve to see 2007.据报道,这位名叫马修斯的60岁独居老人2006年4月确诊晚期癌症,医生告诉他撑不过1年。

2.Matthews was still shaking his head as he thought about the play, which he said he had been doing most of the night.马修斯在想起比赛时依然不住的摇头,他已经尽全力了。

3.I knew a Jacob Matthews from work a number of years ago, and he'd gotten it into his mind to stalk me, but I never knew why.几年前,我因工作认识了一位叫雅各布.马休斯的人,他很喜欢跟踪我,但我根本就不知道是什么原因。

4.But now it had been decided that Balawi would come to Afghanistan, and Matthews would play host.但现在决定的是巴拉维将来到阿富汗,由Matthews接待他。

5.Taken together with what he regards as the positive yuan news , Mr. Matthews says, ' I would not want to be short China at this juncture . '马修斯把人民币方面的消息当作是利好消息,把这方面考虑在内,他说,“我不想在这个关口做空中国”。

6.A biosecurity zone has also been set up around the Bernard Matthews farm in Suffolk, as a precaution against the deadly virus spreading.英国已在萨福克郡伯纳德-马修斯(BernardMatthews)农场周边建立起一个生物安全区,以预防这种高致病性病毒的蔓延。

7.Jupa Silverman and Jessica Matthews developed the soccket as part of a group project for an engineering class at Harvard University.由朱莉娅·西尔弗曼和杰西卡·马修斯所研制的这种能量球是哈佛大学工程类项目的一部分。

8.Even without Lawton and Matthews. This was no mean feat.纵使当时没有劳顿和马修斯,对于英国人来说这也是毫无价值的壮举。

9."We've witnessed the growth of an industry that appears to be driven more by profit than science, " Matthews says.“我们亲眼目睹了这一行业的增长,该行业的增长与其说是为了科学,还不如说是为利润所驱动,”马修斯说。

10.I particularly want to apologize to Chris Matthews. Four years ago, I gave him a thrill up his leg -- this time around I gave him a stroke.我特别想向马修说声抱歉,四年前我给他打了鸡血,这一次我差点让他中风。