


美式发音: [ˈhæp] 英式发音: [ˈhæp]

n.哈雷;Edmund Halley 埃德蒙德哈雷;哈利



n.1.哈雷2.Edmund Halley 埃德蒙德哈雷3.哈利4.【女名】女子名1.哈雷2.Edmund Halley 埃德蒙德哈雷3.哈利4.【女名】女子名

1.哈雷参考报价:¥380商家报价区间:¥304 …


1.But pke the tail of every other comet, Halley's tail is just dust.其实,哈雷的彗星与一般的彗星无异,都是由尘埃构成。

2.They point at the red Berpngo driving across the sky as though it were Halley's Comet.他们指着驶过天空的红色贝林戈,就好像它是哈雷彗星似地。

3.The great astronomer Edmund Halley eventually persuaded Newton to put together the results of his work on the laws of motion.著名的天文学家埃德蒙·哈雷,最后说服了牛顿让他总结在运动定律方面的研究结果。

4.And in May of 1910 folks all over the nation were in a space-age state of turmoil over Halley's Comet.1910年5月,全美国人民都笼罩在一片对哈雷彗星的恐慌之下,如处于太空时代般躁动不安。

5.Isaac Newton and Edmond Halley once dissected a dolphin on the table of a coffee house in London.牛顿和哈雷曾经在伦敦咖啡馆的桌子上解剖海豚。

6.Dr. Halley will not be able to attend the meeting this afternoon.哈里博士今天下午不能来开会了。

7.Halley's dust contained chemicals that have told us some things about interstellar space and the early days of our Solar system.从哈雷彗星尘粒所含的化学物质中,我们得到了星际与太阳系形成之初的一些资料。

8.He has been replaced by Robert Halley, who had previously been a Carrefour non-executive director representing the Halley family.范德维德的董事长一职已被此前担任家乐福非执行董事、代表哈雷家族的罗伯特-哈雷(RobertHalley)接替。

9.The earpest record of an appearance by Halley's Comet (613 BC) is contained in the chronicle of Lu known as the Spring and Autumn Annals.现在世人通称的哈雷彗星,早在公元前613年就被加载鲁国史书《春秋》中,这是世界上关于哈雷彗星的最早的记录。

10.Halley discussed the problem in terms of his theory.哈莱从他的理论的角度讨论这个问题。