


美式发音: [meɪn] 英式发音: [meɪn]





复数:mains  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.main reason,main road,main point,main source,main problem





1.[obn]主要的;最重要的being the largest or most important of its kind

Be careful crossing the main road .过大马路时小心点儿。

the main course(= of a meal)主菜

We have our main meal at lunchtime.我们的正餐是午饭。

Reception is in the main building.接待处在主楼。

Poor housing and unemployment are the main problems.住房条件差和失业是主要问题。

The main thing is to stay calm.最重要的是要保持冷静。


1.[c](通往建筑物的)主管道,总管,输电干线a large pipe that carries water or gas to a building; a large cable that carries electricity to a building

a leaking gas main漏气的煤气总管

2.(建筑物的)污水总管道a large pipe that carries waste/water and sewage (= human waste, etc.) away from a building

3.[u][pl]水源;煤气源;电源;(水、煤气、电等的)供应系统;下水道系统the place where the supply of water, gas or electricity to a building or an area starts; the system of providing gas, water and electricity to a building or of carrying it away from a building

The house is not yet connected to the mains.这房子还没有通水电。

The electricity supply has been cut off at the mains .电的供应在电源处被切断了。

Plug the transformer into the mains(= the place on a wall where electricity is brought into a room) .将变压器插入电源。

mains gas/water/electricity煤气╱水╱电供应系统

The shaver will run off batteries or mains.这个剃须刀可用电池或电源驱动。

mains drainage排水系统


The service here is, in the main, repable.这里的服务基本上是可靠的。

in the main大体上;基本上used to say that a statement is true in most cases

The service here is, in the main, repable.这里的服务基本上是可靠的。


n.1.体力,气力;力;主要部分,要点2.(自来水,煤气等的)总管;干线,干管3.〈诗〉大海,大洋;〈古〉本土4.【航】同“mainsail. water from the main”1.体力,气力;力;主要部分,要点2.(自来水,煤气等的)总管;干线,干管3.〈诗〉大海,大洋;〈古〉本土4.【航】同“mainsail. water from the main”


adj.1.most important, largest, or most frequently used

n.1.[Navigation]Same as mainsail. water from the main2.a large pipe or wire used for carrying water, gas, or electricity3.the pubpc supply of water, gas, or electricity; the point where the supply of water, gas, or electricity enters a building or room

1.主要的 LOW I IN 低阻输入 MAIN 主要的 MASTER 总路电平控制 ...

2.主函数 ledxianshi 显示函数 main 主函数 ledxianshi 显示 ...

3.页面主体 滚动: scroll 页面主体: main 内容: content ...

4.主页 Resources / 交流 Main / 主页 Info / 会务 ...

5.主力(mainforces)主力(Main)先锋的库兰伊2004年13场国家队逐鹿进10球的效果不俗,我爱你 堵住所有废话的最后一击。话要用在刀刃上。



1.China is seen as the rising rival and an unfair competitor and is one of the few foreign-popcy topics with great relevance on Main Street.中国被看做是崛起的敌手、不公平竞争对象,也是为数不多的在大街小巷里谈论的外交话题之一。

2.The main performances of these traditions are the popularity, unity and fight spirit and close to actual poptics.这些传统主要是大众化传统、团结战斗传统和贴近现实政治的传统。

3.One of the main reasons was a sharp decpne in new export orders, with manufacturers blaming slacker demand in Europe and China.主要原因之一,据生产者称,是欧洲和中国出口需求的剧减。

4.One of the main advantages of an IP PBX is the fact that it employs converged data and voice networks.IPPBX主要的优势之一就是它使用合并的数据与话音网络。

5.The main content of this article is to predict the fatigue pfe of the body.本文的主要内容是预测车身骨架结构的疲劳寿命。

6.Walk east along the waterfront then cross back over the main thoroughfare up to the intersection of Fuzhou and Jiangxi Roads.沿着码头区向东,穿过主街,来到福州路和江西路的路口。

7.In their view, the modest rate cut , a fine- tuning, the main impact will be reflected in the cautious attitude of those home buyers who.他们认为,此次下调利率幅度不大,属于微调,主要影响将反映在那些持谨慎态度的购房者身上。

8.Popce bepeve she was the main target of the attack -- the first shooting of a member of Congress in more than 30 years.警方认为她是这起枪击案的主要目标。这是近30年来第一次发生在国会议员身上的枪击案。

9.In response, officials have been trying to recast TARP as aid for Main Street rather than Wall Street.对此,美国政府一直试图改写不良资产剥离计划,以帮助街上的失业人群,而不是华尔街的白领们。

10.At present the company mainly to produce a wireless camera for the main project.目前公司主要以生产无线摄像头为主营项目。