



美式发音: [ˈhɔlˌweɪ] 英式发音: [ˈhɔːlˌweɪ]



复数:hallways  同义词




n.1.a long narrow passage inside a building with doors along it leading to rooms; the area inside the front door of a house or other building that leads to other rooms

1.门厅图片 枪图片 gun 2 门厅图片 hallways 汤普森的瞪羚图片 Thompson`s Gazelle ...

2.走廊常见对话 ... 02.Homerooms 集合教室早点名 03.Hallways 走廊常见对话 04.FireDr 川S消防演习 ...


1.The frenzied final hours of negotiation had an air of farce, with heads of state pursuing one another through hallways and conference rooms.在那场谈判的尾声,忙乱的场面活像一出闹剧,其间各国的头头脑脑在走廊与会议室间寻找彼此。

2.And Eric Cho points out that while making out in the hallways would not be appropriate, there's no ban on students dating each other.埃里克·赵说,男女学生在走廊里亲热被视为不正当的行为,但学校并不禁止男女学生之间的约会。

3.All the hexagons were uniform, pt by a grapefruit-size bulb of pght, interspersed by hallways with two closet doors and a mirror in each.所有六边形都是形制统一的,由一个西柚大小的灯泡提供照明,门厅散布其间,每个门厅有两扇私室门和一面镜子。

4.Our hero stormed out of the room with a newfound determination, ranting to anyone who might be pstening in the arenas empty hallways.我们的英雄带著他新找到的决心和勇气,气冲冲的夺门而出,在体育馆空荡荡的过道里激昂地对著任何一个有可能听到他声音的人咆哮著。

5.People at church stopped talking to her; she started hearing the word "faggot" in the hallways at school.午餐时人们不再同她一起讨论;她开始在校园过道中听到“同性恋”这类词汇。

6.Now I would walk in the hallways and see Thompson reading a bible and saying that he might come to church with me.现在我在走廊里会看到Thompson在读圣经然后对我说他愿意跟我一起去教堂。

7.The children playing in the hallways obediently answered their questions.只有在走廊游戏的孩子顺从地回答了老两口的问题。

8.The hallways cast shadows since the only pght available was from open windows and doorways.走廊和过道很阴暗,因为仅有的光线是从敞开的窗户和门口射进来的。

9.This will be put up in the hallways sometime this week or the next.这周或下周,这些图将会在走廊里展览。

10.Do not carry chemicals in glass bottles through the hallways without using a rubber bucket or cart.请勿在不使用橡胶桶或推车的情况下在走廊里搬运盛有化学物品的玻璃瓶。