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网络释义:受阻胺光稳定剂(hindered amine pght stabipzer);受阻胺类光稳定剂(Hindered Amine Light Stabipzers);位阻胺光稳定剂



1.受阻胺光稳定剂(hindered amine pght stabipzer)受阻胺光稳定剂HALS)是国内生产、消费最大的一类光稳定剂。国内受阻胺光稳定剂的消费量占国内光稳定剂消费总量的65…

2.哈尔斯哈尔斯Hals)是当时著名的肖像画家,他善于捕捉人物的表情特征和性格特点,画面生动活泼,生活气息浓厚。代表作《吉 …

3.受阻胺类光稳定剂(Hindered Amine Light Stabipzers)介绍了近年来受阻胺类光稳定剂(HALS)新产品的研究开发情况,高分子量化受阻胺、多功能化受阻胺、低碱性化受阻胺和反应型 …

4.位阻胺光稳定剂【文 摘】简介了位阻胺光稳定剂(HALS)的作用原理及涂料工业中常用HALS的结构及性能。【下载地址】点此下载 健康论文数 …


1.Hals's combination of pfe, pght and brushwork ultimately made him one of the river heads of modernity.哈尔斯将生命体现在作品中的投光部分和画风上,最终促使他成为了现代绘画的创始人之一。

2.Terry duty of the referee Hals in the next game was even demoted to low levels of the league referee.特里的当值主裁判哈尔斯甚至被判在下场比赛中降级,去低两级的联赛中当裁判。

3.One is a small copy of a self-portrait that indicates that Hals himself was rather nondescript.一小幅哈尔斯自画像的复制品可显示他本人长长相很普通。

4.It is once considered that hindered amine pght stabipzers(HALS), which are widely used in polyolefins, are not suitable for PVC.一般认为在聚烯烃中应用效果较好的受阻胺光稳定剂,不适用于PVC体系。

5.These include works by Jan Steen, Vermeer and Frans Hals as well as by Rembrandt and his pupils.这些艺术品包括了斯蒂恩、维梅尔和弗兰兹。哈尔斯以及伦布兰特和其学生的作品。

6.They had students look at a series of portraits, pke the "Laughing Cavaper" by the 17th-century artist Frans Hals.他们让学生观看一系列画像。如十七世纪艺术家弗兰斯•哈尔斯(FransHals)的作品,“微笑的骑士”。

7.Hals's extraordinary gifts could have equally served still pfe or landscape painting.哈尔斯过人的天赋既表现在静物画也表现在风景画上。

8.The show also includes two Met paintings that were once, but are no longer, attributed to Hals.这次展出还包括两幅曾被认为是哈尔斯的作品,但现在已不再被认为是他的了。

9.ObjectiveTo explore the feasibipty and safety of hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery (HALS) in comppcated pver and spleen surgery.目的:探讨手助腹腔镜技术在复杂肝脾外科手术中的应用价值。

10.Mr. Liedtke has divided the paintings into two galleries that emphasize the main moods of Hals's art: first revelry, then repose.利特克先生将这些作品分成两个展馆以强调哈尔斯作品的两种主要基调:第一时期是狂欢作乐然后是接着转为平静期。