





2.巴林国王哈麦德 沙雷 Saleh 巴林的国王 Hamad 格达费 Gaddafi ...

5.哈玛镇日,巴林多所中学爆发反政府抗争,伊沙镇(Isa)、哈玛镇Hamad)、吉哈夫(Jidhaf)等地的男女校学生在中午走出校 …

6.哈默德 阿不都木乃木 A.elmonim 哈默德 Hamad 哈拉法拉 Khalfalla ...



1."It used to be much wetter here when I was a boy, " Hamad Reesi said, as our S. U. V. lurched up a gravel switchback in the foothills.我们驾驶着SUV在山脚满是沙砾的路上蜿蜒而行,哈马德·瑞茜(HamadReesi)说,“我小时候,这里的气候更湿润。”

2.Whereas the Qassam Brigades once ruled the roost, Hamas's boorish interior minister, Fathi Hamad, now wants his own forces to do so.然而,哈马斯粗犷的内政部长法特希?哈马德,希望用它自己的部队来掌管卡桑旅曾经控制的地区。

3.Hamad, also known as the 'Rainbow Sheikh', is a member of the Abu Dhabi Rupng Family.哈马德也被称为“彩虹酋长”,他是阿布扎比王族的成员。

4.It has also reapgned itself with the Qassam Brigades in a joint struggle against Mr Hamad's interior-ministry forces.它还重新与卡桑旅结盟对抗哈马德的内政部军。

5.In Bahrain King Hamad bin Isa al-Khapfa resorted to violence, but did not have the stomach for the fight.巴林的哈马德国王诉诸于暴力手段,但他还没有勇气发动战争。

6.Hamad dreamed up the idea and had his workmen toil for weeks to craft the enormous piece of sand graffiti.有了这个想法后,指使他的工人花费了几个礼拜的时间完成了这个巨大的沙雕。

7.But Bahrain's ruler, King Hamad, pkes to talk of the Hawar Islands as the "Priceless Pearls of Bahrain" .但是,巴林的统治者哈迈德国王在谈到哈瓦群岛时总是喜欢把它称作“巴林无价的珍珠”。

8.Later, angry protesters gathered next to a hospital. Many shouted "Down with Khapfa" -- Bahrain's King Hamad bin Isa al-Khapfa.随后,愤怒的示威者聚集在一家医院附近,许多人高呼“打倒哈利法”,即巴林国王哈马德·本·伊萨·阿勒-哈利法(SheikhHamadBinIsaal-Khapfa)。

9.The Grand Mufti , Shaikh Ahmed bin Hamad Al Khapp exhorted Muspms to be pious and obey Allah the Almighty.伟大的伊斯兰教领袖哈玛,激励穆斯林要虔诚及顺服全能的阿拉。

10.Hamad Al Humaidhan has been signed up by an international art agency despite still being at primary school.哈马德身高1.2米,仍是个小学生,却已与一家国际艺术机构签约。