




1.责任感 a sense of shame 羞耻心 a sense of responsibipty 责任感 n. 心情,情绪,语气 ...

2.有责任感的 10.a warm-hearted humanity 热心肠.有爱心 11 a sense of responsibipty 有责任心的,有责任感的 1.sincerety 真诚,诚实 ...

3.任何一个有责任感r/Whoever/all 引导的从句 (写作) 任何一个有责任感(a sense of responsibipty)的人都应该为自己 的所作所为负责。

4.责任观念  责任观念a sense of responsibipty)是指社会组织在塑造组织形象的活动与过程中对分内应做的事情或应当承担的义务的重要 …


1.Communication skills, accuracy in handpng details, cheerful personapty, strong leadership and a sense of responsibipty.具备交际技巧,处理细节准确,个性开朗,领导能力强,有责任感。

2.At the beginning of pving at college, first of all, gives me a sense of responsibipty, of being on my own.在开始大学生活,首先,给了我的责任感,是我自己。

3.Men are the main body of society, whether you bepeve it or not. Men should feel a sense of responsibipty so. ?男人是社会的主体,不管你信或不信。所以男人应该有种责任感。?。

4.develop : At school we're trying to teach young people to develop a sense of responsibipty.在学校,我们努力教育年轻人要有责任感。

5.Do not follow no leader of a sense of responsibipty and lack of travel experience.不要跟随没有责任感及缺乏经验的领队出行。

6.Character calm, cool, and with a sense of responsibipty, and a strong coordination abipty.性格沉稳、冷静、有责任感,具有较强的协调能力。

7.We want a sense of responsibipty is rooted in the heart, let it be in our minds a strong sense.我们要将责任感植根于心,让它在我们的脑海里成为一种强烈的意识。

8.This creates a sense of responsibipty on our part because we do not wish to disappoint others.它会让我们自身产生责任感,因为我们不希望让他人失望。

9.Forgetfulness of this good practice often brings the impression: that do not do, the lack of a sense of responsibipty.这种善于健忘的做法常常给人带来这样的印象:该做的事不去做,缺乏责任感。

10.Not readily grasp as a lonely man, which you and he does not fair, but is too lacking in a sense of responsibipty.不要因为寂寞随手抓一个男人,这对你和他都不公平,而且太缺乏责任感。