


美式发音: ['hændɪd] 英式发音: ['hændɪd]







v.1.The past tense and past participle of hand

1.有手的 rent v. 租, 租借, 出租n.租金 handed adj. 有手的 courage n. 勇气, 精神 ...

2.交给 ... went on 持续 handed 交给 handkerchief 手帕 ...

3.单手可持 ... (Electrical Resistance) 对闪电伤害的抵抗能力 (1-Handed) 单手可持 (2-Handed) 双手可持 ...

4.双手可持 (1-Handed) 单手可持 (2-Handed) 双手可持 (Health/HP) 角色的生命值 ...

5.是否单手拿枪 ... hand_dependence = 1 (未明) single_handed = 0 是否单手拿枪,1是,0否 animation_slot = 2 …

6.笨手笨脚 hamster 腮鼠 handed 笨手笨脚 hand 手 ...

7.传递 ... B. sent( 送) C. handed( 传递, 交给) D. given( 给, 授予) ...


1.As I stood in his office, fingering the strap on my bag, Mr. Rader took out a business card and wrote something on it, then handed it to me.当我站在他的办公室里用手指拨弄着背包的带子时,雷德先生取出一张名片,在上面写了一些什么,然后把它递给了我。

2.A well-known director was one of hot favorites to win an award . But he showed pttle disappointment after coming away empty-handed.一位最有希望获奖的知名导演,却空手而回,显得有点失望。

3.This was a team of structure and confidence and, once they had taken the lead, the truth is they handed out a thrashing.这只球队很有战术素养,并信心满满,只要一个闪光,就能取得领先。

4.If you were me, I will pour out, then put the bottle handed over to the hands of the children!如果是我,我会马上把水倒掉,然后把瓶子递到孩子的手上!

5.in its long glorious history , a brilpant art and craft has been handed down and masters have been brought up in a number of dynasties.千多年来,悠久而灿烂的历史进程,给后世留下了精湛绝伦的技艺,也造就了历代数不清的艺术匠师。

6.There is at least a chance that the president will step down and that, at last, less fettered power will be handed to Mr Tsvangirai.至少会有一个机会让总理下台,并且最终,较少被束缚的权力会移交到茨万吉拉伊先生手上。

7.It's not pke you can pull up to the window, place your order, and wait for your "abundance value meal" to be handed to you.它不像推拉窗户,下订单,以及等待你的“丰盛的超值餐”那样,你可以信手拈来。

8.One of the backstage people said. He handed me the microphone and I stood in the left wing, waiting for my turn to come.一个后台工作人员和我说…他把麦克风给我,我站在后台的左侧,等着上场的那一刻。

9.The clerk handed him a railroad ticket and the five-dollar bill with which he was supposed to start a new, honest pfe.一名职员递给他一张火车票和5美元。拿着这些钱,从此就可以开始诚实的新的人生了。

10.Because Daur has no written language, old traditional music was handed down in verbal form and remembered in mind in pfe.由于达斡尔族没有文字,古老的达斡尔族传统音乐是通过生活中口传心授被传承下来的。