



美式发音: [hænd] 英式发音: [hænd]




复数:hands  现在分词:handing  过去式:handed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.raise hand,open hand,offer hand,thrust hand,clap hand

adj.+n.invisible hand



v.give,hand over,offer,pass,tender




v.1.交付;传递给 (to)2.用手搀扶,用手帮助 (to into out of across over)3.【航】卷叠(风帆)

n.1.the part of your body at the end of each arm that you use for picking up and holding things2.help3.if people give someone a hand, they clap their hands to show that they have enjoyed a performance4.the hands on a clock are the long parts that move around and show the time5.the particular set of cards that have been given to you in a game of cards6.the advantages you have that give you a chance to be successful in a particular situation7.someone who does physical work; someone who works on a farm; someone who works on a ship8.someones handwriting9.a unit for measuring how tall a horse is1.the part of your body at the end of each arm that you use for picking up and holding things2.help3.if people give someone a hand, they clap their hands to show that they have enjoyed a performance4.the hands on a clock are the long parts that move around and show the time5.the particular set of cards that have been given to you in a game of cards6.the advantages you have that give you a chance to be successful in a particular situation7.someone who does physical work; someone who works on a farm; someone who works on a ship8.someones handwriting9.a unit for measuring how tall a horse is

v.1.to give something to someone by holding it in your hand and offering it to them


2.手感 悬垂性 drape 手感 handing 抗钩丝性 snagging resistance ...

3.移交 ... guided 引导 handing 移交 happened 发生 ...

4.手控球 ... 3. Acceleration( 加速度) 4. Handing( 转向) 5. Drift( 飘移) ...

6.操控 1、Steering( 转向) 2、Handing操控) 3、Brakes( 刹车系统) ...

7.指针 iced adj. 冰冷的, 装冰的,冰冻的 handing n. 手, 掌管, 协助, 支配, 插手, 指针, 雇员, 手艺 ...

8.插手 iced adj. 冰冷的, 装冰的,冰冻的 handing n. 手, 掌管, 协助, 支配, 插手, 指针, 雇员, 手艺 ...


1.When handing a customer's order over to her, which had no name on, I joked, "Oooh this is a bit mysterious" .一个顾客来取货,我拿给她,发现上面什么也没写。我开玩笑说这可真够神秘的。

2.However, if you want a SIM card, and thus a new number, for your mobile phone it is no harder than handing over a few dollars.然而,如果你想要为你的移动电话申请一张用户身份识别(SIM,subscriberidentitymodule)卡,也即是新的号码,除了要交付一些美元外并不困难。

3.It was also expected to see the handing over of poptical leadership, from the elderly revolutionary nomenklatura to a younger generation.它也被预期能看到从年长的革命当权人物到年轻一代的政权交接。

4.You're in for a rough night, she said, pouring out a steaming beakerful and handing it to him. Regrowing bones is a nasty business.这一晚上会比较难熬,她说着,倒出热气腾腾的一大杯,递给哈利,长骨头是一件很难受的事儿。

5."Next Monday is the deadpne for handing in this essay, " said the professor to his class. "Be sure to meet it. "“交这篇论文的最后期限是下星期一”,教授对他的学生说,“务必按时交”

6."Read this to your class at the beginning of the fourth period, " she said, handing me a short memo.“下学期一开始就把这个给全班学生读一下,”说完,她把那篇简短的备忘录交给了我。

7.I can walk into a shop, pick up something expensive, and then walk out with it without handing over any cash.我可以走进一家商店,选件贵重物品,然后不付现金就离开。

8.A hot tip for winning the presidency in 2007, he is now handing his ministry over to his wife in order to devote himself to poptics.他想要赢取2007年总统大选的一个热门消息便是,他正将自己的神职移交给乃妻,自己则投身政治。

9.One of my classmates saw me handing in the draft, got a crush on me and I fell hard for her.我的一位同学看到我交出在草案中,得到迷恋我,我就下跌她难以。

10.Trufa awoke and to her amazement found that she was no longer handing on the tree. The wind had blown her down while she was asleep.醒来后,她吃惊地发现她不挂在树上了,睡着时风已把她刮了下来。