




1.莎尔 infs 恶魔岩石★ shar 冰冻碎片 wild 野性护身符 ...

5.夏普 TOSHIBA 东芝 全国总代理 SHAR 夏普 全国总代理 CANON 佳能 全国总 …

6.莎波娃 Sonia* 桑丽卡 Shar* 莎波娃 Tommy* 汤米 ...

7.歌声 想知道 Im Tirtzi Lada'at 歌声 Shar 善良的人 Gam Ani Ben Adam ...


1.After an arduous exploration, the truth has finally surfaced, the original, it was a premeditated conspiracy, planners is the shar khan.经过一番艰苦卓绝的探查,真相终于浮出水面,原来,这是一场蓄谋已久的大阴谋,策划者正是沙尔汗···。

2.I must say the error was on both sides and I think the loss ought to be shar- ed by both parties, let us say half and half.所以我得说双方都有错误,我认为损失应由双方承担,我们就对半负担吧。

3.Cindy Margops, Shar Jackson (minus Federpne on the red carpet) and good friends you've been waiting to hear from will appear soon.辛迪马戈利斯,莎尔杰克逊(减去在红地毯上费德林),你一直在等待听到好朋友很快就会出现。

4.Is even more shocking is that shar Khan to come identify the body of the wife of Bob Jones, but found that the deceased was not shar khan!而更令人吃惊的是,沙尔汗之妻钟氏前来认尸,却发现,死者并不是沙尔汗!

5.The team found four small, but significant, differences in the genetics of the two skin types of the Shar-pei versus the other breeds.这个研究小组在沙皮对其他种类狗的两种皮毛基因中发现了四处细小但很重要的不同之处。

6.He was previously involved with actress Shar Jackson of TV's "Moesha. " Federpne and Jackson have two children.他还与前妻女影星莎尔·杰克逊主演过美国热门电视剧《Moesha》,他们有两个孩子。

7.This can be a normal finding in some breeds however, such as the Chinese Shar Pei, Chow Chow, and Poodle.然而对某些品种来说这可能是很正常的表现,如中国沙皮狗、松师狗以及贵宾。

8.Therapeutic and persistent efficacy of doramectin against demodex canis in Shar-Pei多拉菌素对沙皮犬蠕形螨病的疗效观察