


美式发音: [ˈmɪnəˌskjul] 英式发音: [ˈmɪnɪˌskjuːl]




复数:minuscules  同义词反义词





1.极小的;微小的extremely small


n.1.Same as miniscule

adj.1.extremely small in size or amount

1.极小的 minutia n 细微末节 minuscule a 极小的 mirror n 镜子 ...

2.微小的 perseverance n. 坚持不懈 minuscule adj. 极小的,微小的 obstacle n. 障碍 ...

3.小写字母 majuscule: 大写字母。 minuscule小写字母。 thick: 粗笔画。 ...

4.很小的 34 score 二十 35 minuscule 很小的 TPO1-1 1 saturate 使浸透 ...

5.小世界小世界Minuscule)45(《动物世界》-昆虫总动员)开灯 网友意见反馈留言板    电话:4009600000    欢迎批评指正 新浪简介 | Ab…


1.Imports from China, though, were a minuscule share of expenditures at the beginning of the sample period and an enormous share at the end.从中国进口商品,虽然在一个很小的份额支出采样周期的开始和一个巨大的份额在最后。

2.The ships use energy from the wind to propel themselves around and spray minuscule droplets of sea water into the air.船舶使用风能推动其自身旋转并将海水的微小水滴喷洒到空气中。

3.But if the Japanese example is any guide, that effect is minuscule, if any, and is far from sufficient to turn the economy around.但是,如果日本例子是一种借鉴,这种效果是微不足道的,如果有的话,远不足以扭转经济衰退。

4.It is unfathomable to me as to how the girl can scrape by on such a minuscule amount of money.这个女孩如何能用这么少的钱度日,这令我难以理解。

5.There is only a minuscule chance that Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant will turn into a new Chernobyl.日本福岛第一核电站(FukushimaDaiichi)变成第二个切尔诺贝利(Chernobyl)的可能性极小。

6.Others are equally evangepcal in their assertions that the sun plays only a minuscule role in cpmate change.而其他人却断定太阳在气候变化问题上只担当了个跑龙套。

7.Of course, this solution presents its own issues; at the time of this writing the knowledge base is minuscule.当然,这个解决方案也有问题;到编写本文时,知识库的内容还不丰富。

8.The relative attractiveness of its residents is only a minuscule factor in evaluating a city's merit.另外,居民是否具有魅力只是评价一座城市的一个很小的因素。

9.The muscle you gain is minuscule compared with the total amount of skeletal muscle in the body.你获得的肌肉相对于全身的骨骼肌来说只是一小部分。

10.The truly radical right in Europe is still only minuscule, but even before the Oslo attacks, signs of a coming revival were evident.真正极端的右翼在欧洲还是少数派,但就在奥斯陆攻击发生之前,他们即将复兴的事实也已经证据确凿。