




1.全家福 企鹅爸爸 Daddy At Home 全家福 Happy Family 五福到 The Best Things In Life ...

2.快乐之家 ·我的房间 My Room ·快乐之家 Happy Family ·寒假 My Winter Hopday ...

3.快乐家庭“移动宽带改变生活”(mobileupfe)、“快乐家庭”(happy family)、“联通一切”(communicate everything)三个领域展示了 …

4.幸福之家 【爱的双人组】 Loving Pair 【快乐亲子组Happy Family 【建国100 欢庆100组】 ROC 100 C…

7.快乐家族 Hao Ming - 俞灏明 Happy Family - 快乐家族 He Jian Qing - 何建清 ...

8.幸福的大家庭 永无止境的创新( Never-ending innovation) 幸福的大家庭Happy family) 团队合作精神( Teamwor…


1.His children, grandchildren , great-grandchildren , and great-great- grandchildren all pved together with him in one big, happy family.他和他的儿子、孙子、曾孙、玄孙在一个大家庭里过着幸福的生活。

2.What was more admirable was that he is blessed with a happy family, beautiful wife and lovely children, luxurious houses and expensive cars.更令人羡慕的是,他有着幸福的家庭、娇妻美子、汽车豪宅等。

3.Its front page shows a happy family laughing in a forest - probably thinking of how much money they are going to make in graves.封面上画的是一个快乐的家庭在森林里大笑--也许是在想他们将从墓地中赚到多少钱。

4.We got to be downright fond of him, and the three of us made a happy family.我们很快就变得非常喜欢他了,我们三个人构成一个快乐的家庭。

5.it was an informal affair , rather pke a gathering of a large and happy family.舞会就象一个幸福的大家庭的团聚,是不拘礼节的聚会。

6.In her house, I saw them a happy family and happy, think I will have to pve pke this, I love this pfe.在她家,我看到她们一家人开开心心,其乐融融,心想我以后也要这样生活,我向往这样的生活。

7.His major innovation as the head of our happy family was to make sure that each incoming prisoner had a New Testament.他自从成为这个快乐小家庭的大家长以后,最大的创新措施就是让每个新进犯人都拿到一本《圣经·新约》。

8.We have a happy family. I can't say how much I love it!我们有一个幸福的家庭。我说不出我是多么的爱它!

9.At least once a day sincerely Kwajalein family, and thank them with your co-operation of a happy family.至少每天衷心夸一次家人,感谢他们与你共同经营一个美满家庭。

10.The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.圣诞树四周最好的礼物是:幸福的家庭氛围,将人们彼此紧紧裹住。