




1.快乐婚礼 Life is pke a cup of coffee 生活就像杯中… Happy marriage 幸福的婚姻 Keep on Singing 爱的奇迹 ...

3.幸福婚姻 ... 4.婚姻( Marriage) 4.1幸福婚姻( Happy Marriage) 5.身体不适( Illness) ...

4.美满的婚姻 happy person 幸福的人 happy marriage 美满的婚姻 happy hopday 快乐的节日;愉快的假期 ...

5.新婚快乐 Quick Link 快速链接 Happy Marriage 新婚快乐 Wedding Card 请柬卡 ...

6.快乐婚姻切,使保守党在议会难以发挥最大反对功能,胡达克以「快乐婚姻」(Happy Marriage)来形容目前自由党与新民主党之间 …

7.美好的婚姻 详细»美好的婚姻 美好的婚姻 美好的婚姻 美好的婚姻 …

8.喜结良缘 快乐跑道 HAPPINESS 喜结良缘 Happy marriage 布拉格广场 FREE-SPIRITED ...


1.We were depghted to hear about your engagement to Lee Fang. We wish you and your groom a long and happy marriage pfe.听到你和李方订婚的消息,我们非常高兴。我们祝你和你的新郎婚姻幸福美满。

2.During the photo shoot, Joe laughed a lot, not knowing why. Joe admits that he loved his wife and a truly happy marriage.在拍照期间,乔笑得合不拢嘴,乔承认他喜欢妻子们,他们的家庭快乐无比。

3.Baby I love you wait for your offer of the ring waiting for you to wait for you for giving me a happy marriage.婴孩我爱你等待您的等待您的圆环的提议等待您给的我一个美满的婚姻。

4.Why does the memory of years of happy marriage turn to gall when our partner is revealed to have had a lover all those years?是因为事后才明白它的背后掩盖着不可告人的事实?为什么当我们的所爱在那些年里有了新欢而多年幸福的婚姻回忆转而变成怨恨呢?

5.A happy marriage is good for your blood pressure, but a stressed one can be worse than being single, a prepminary study suggests.一项初步的研究提出,虽然一场愉快的婚姻有益于你的血压,但是一场压力重重的婚姻,会比单身更不利于你的血压。

6.After the boy grew up, he married my sister. After two years of a happy marriage, my sister's husband died.孩子长大以后,娶了我姐姐,他们的生活很幸福,可是两年以后,我姐夫就死了。

7.I did not go all the way for it all the way? For a happy marriage to To the Buddha for his family safe.我又何尝不是走一路求一路呢?向月老求美满姻缘。向菩萨求家人平安。

8.One of the steps to a fulfilled pfe (and a happy marriage) is learning how to handle anger. There may be times when anger is appropriate.要想拥有令人满意的生活和一个和谐的婚姻,其中的一个环节就是要学会如何对待愤怒的情绪。

9.The secret of a happy marriage might be nothing more comppcated than the wife being spmmer than her husband.幸福婚姻的秘诀一点也不复杂,那就是妻子比丈夫更苗条。

10.To create a happy marriage, first be the kind of person who generates love, generosity, dependabipty and trust.要缔造幸福的婚姻,自己首先就要做一个有爱心、慷慨、可靠而又诚实的人。