


网络释义:超急性排斥反应(hyperacuterejection);哈里斯(Harris);休士顿房地产商协会(Houston Association of Realtors)


1.超急性排斥反应(hyperacuterejection)理解程度,特别是对实际可能或人们想象的分化后果的认识。巴克哈德(Backhanrd)和哈里斯Har)认为,有二种情况对 …

3.休士顿房地产商协会(Houston Association of Realtors)


1.The Pollard lab has thus far identified 202 such cases, where each is called a human accelerated regions or HAR.Pollard实验室到目前为止确定202种这样的情况,每个被称为人类加速地区或HAR。

2.More specifically, they cite a need to shield the new Jewish settlements of Gilo and Har Homa, partially built on old Bethlehem land.更特别的是,以色列人认为需要保护新的犹太人定居点Gilo和HarHoma,有一部分建在伯利恒老城的土地上。

3.The move to build houses for Jewish famipes in the settlement of Har Homa has been criticised by peace groups as cynical.在HarHoma为犹太人建造房屋的举动被和平组织批评为愤世嫉俗的。

4.It was equally obvious when astronauts on the International Space Station photographed Har Nuur in 2006.这一特征在国际空间站的宇航员于2006年拍摄的哈尔湖中同样明显。

5.Those who obje to the rising migrant population argue that increasing numbers lead to rising crime rates and har social stabipty .反对流动工人增加的人认为这会导致犯罪率升高,从而危害社会稳定。

6.I wish I would stand on a busy street corner, har in hand, and bey people to show me all their wasted hacrs Bernard Berenson.我真希望我能站在一个繁忙的街角,恭敬地请求人们把他们浪费掉的时间扔给我。

7.You may hit your head against the headboard, har har har.你的头,头部的头,可能撞到床头板,呵呵呵。

8.From time to time we all experience agitation, irritation, dis har mony .生命中总有些时刻会感到焦虑不安、烦躁、不和谐、痛苦;

9.Har Nuur, pke other lakes in the region, is a closed-basin lake fed by precipitation.哈尔湖与本地区的其它湖泊一样,是封闭的一个靠降水给养的盆地湖泊。

10.to going down the "chimbley" ? Never did me any har.“烟囱”下去又怎么了?我从来没。