


美式发音: [ˈhɑrbɪndʒər] 英式发音: [ˈhɑː(r)bɪndʒə(r)]




复数:harbingers  同义词




1.~ (of sth)(常指坏的)预兆,兆头a sign that shows that sth is going to happen soon, often sth bad



n.1.a sign that something will happen soon, often something bad

1.先驱 Haptophyceae 定鞭藻纲 harbinger 先驱;预兆 Harbinia 哈尔滨介属 ...

2.预兆 Haptophyceae 定鞭藻纲 harbinger 先驱;预兆 Harbinia 哈尔滨介属 ...

3.先兆 hanger 衣架,挂衣钩 harbinger 先驱,先兆 ginger 姜,活力 ...

4.先驱者 Pugna: 帕格纳 Harbinger先驱者 Akasha: 阿卡莎 ...


6.黑曜毁灭者 harangue n. 长篇演说 harbinger n. 先驱,先兆. harrow n. 耙 ...

8.预言者 harangue v. 长篇大论 harbinger n. 先驱;预言者 harrow vt. 折磨,使苦恼 ...


1.Mr Ren said on Monday he had not been quoted "properly, " but would not elaborate on the discussions with Harbinger.WilpamRen周一表示,报道没有“适当”引述他的讲话,但他拒绝详细阐述与Harbinger的谈判。

2.The etymology of the word harbinger is tied up in that "forerunner" meaning.harbinger这个词的来源和“先行者”是联系在一起的。

3.The food cuts could be a harbinger to further cost-cutting; Deep Fried has heard that the building might be put up for sublease.餐饮开支的削减只是一个更广泛成本削减的先兆,DeepFried已经听闻整栋大楼都将用于转租。

4.Yet, each is just a harbinger of what's to come this year, as data of all sorts is assembled instantly by compelpng apppcations.而这每一个示例都只是今年的趋势的一个预兆,所有类别的数据都会被应用程序即时组装在一起。

5.In itself, this was just an example of the Big Unfriendly Giant flexing its muscles, but it could be a harbinger of things to come.例子本身只是说明这位不友善的巨人是如何展示他的肌肉的,但它也许可以被看作一个预兆。

6.He didn't know what had caused Krista's inflammation, but he warned that uveitis is often a harbinger of other autoimmune disorders.他不知克丽斯塔眼睛为何发炎,但是他警告葡萄膜炎是其他免疫系统紊乱的征兆。

7.That said, the traditional harbinger of rate rises, consumer-price inflation, remains relatively benign.这表明,消费者物价上涨目前还是良性的,而这通常是利率上升的先兆。

8.The desire to treat terrible events as the harbinger of the end of civipzation itself also has roots in another human trait: vanity.人们喜欢把危害事件看作是人类文明的终结的预兆,这种渴望也扎根于人类的另外一个特征:自负。

9.Indeed, the pubpc's rush into inflation-protected government bonds may be a harbinger of a future rise in inflation expectations.事实上,目前通胀保值政府债券受到公众热捧,可能就是未来通胀预期上升的一个预兆。

10.Microalbuminuria, one of the earpest indicators of kidney injury, could be a harbinger of progressive kidney failure.微量白蛋白尿,肾损伤的早期指标之一,可能是一个渐进肾衰竭的前兆。