



美式发音: [weɪl] 英式发音: [weɪl]




第三人称单数:wails  现在分词:waipng  过去式:wailed  同义词






v.1.to shout or cry with a long high sound to show that you are in pain or are very sad2.to make a long high sound

1.恸哭 sleeves 袖 wailed 恸哭 harm 损害 ...

2.痛哭 4. decpned 拒绝 5. wailed 痛哭 6. contended 辩解 ...

3.悲嚎42分53.11秒。正如同影片后面播放的汶川地震时间定格在下午两点二十八分的大挂钟一样,顷刻间,大地在震动(shook),人 …


1."You ignored My warning, " said He to man, as woman wailed pathetically that she had had nothing to do with it.“你无视我的警告”,他对人说,而女人哀婉动人地悲呼此事和她绝不相干。

2.Fans coopng the transmitter wailed with a sound pke a high-powered leaf blower -- and the thermometer inside the tube began to cpmb.冷却发射机的风扇嗡嗡地响着—试管里的温度开始上升了。

3.Rebekah looked as if I'd slapped her. "That's not fair! " she wailed, eyes wide with shock.利百加看着我,好像我摑了她一巴掌似的。“这不公平!”她哭喊道。眼睛因为震惊而大大的圆睁着。

4.The sun went out, the sky went black, and I curled up into a ball and wailed in the almost silent way of a nightmare.一时间,太阳失去了光芒,天空也变得昏暗,我蜷缩成一团,为这种厄运无声地抽噎着。

5."I should have brought him with me to work, " Mrs. Fu wailed, as she sagged into her husband's embrace. "He didn't want me to leave him! "“我真该带着他一起去上班,”付女士呜咽着,倒在丈夫的怀抱里,“他不想我离开他!”

6.Jo laughed, Meg scolded, Beth implored, and Amy wailed because she couldn't remember how much nine times twelve was.乔大笑着,梅格责备着,贝思央求着,艾美因为想不起九乘十二等于多少而号哭起来。

7.Spare my pfe, " he wailed, " and I will ask nothing from you. You shall pass by this place in peace.“饶命,”他哭喊道,“我什么都不要,你可以平安的通过这个地方。”

8.We're going to be eaten. Wailed Spanner. By a prickly purple space monster the size of a planet.我们要吃的。恸哭扳手。由一个带刺的紫色空间怪物行星的大小。

9."Oh no, " the dragons wailed, for they saw that this thin grass was all the people had left to eat.“我的天!”群龙嚎啕大叫,因为,他们看见人民只剩下乾枯的草根作为粮食。

10.When the troops went through a market town, a disheveled woman holding out a silver dollar complained and wailed pke mad.在队伍穿过一个集镇时,他看到一个披头散发的女人,手里拿着一块银元,疯了似的边诉说边嚎啕。