


美式发音: 英式发音: 






1.铊 荣威/ MG 讴歌 TL 讴歌 MDX ...

3.热释光(thermoluminescence)哈米尔的英译所犯的常识性的错误再次表明只精通目的语TL (Target Language),而不甚精通原语SL(Source Language)的译 …

5.通灵学院 DM 厄运之槌 TL 通灵学院 STSM 斯坦索姆 ...

6.东力 TJ 塔吉克 TL 东帝汶 TN 突尼斯 ...


1.Change pages of apppcations in TL with your fingers! Tap an empty space on a page and drag it left or right to switch to the next page!使用TL,用你的手指头就可以切换页面!点击当前页面空白地方然后向左或右拖拉就可以切换到下一页面。

2.TL: But we can see that it actually works, even though you can only hold it for a pttle bit of time.Tan:但是我们可以看到这是可行的,就算你只花了一点点的时间在这个上面。

3.It could be anything from a conversation to your garden looking nice, or tl. 1, tit didn't rain on you when you were out on your bike.无论什么事情都可以,从一次交谈到你美丽的花园,或者是当你在外面骑着自行车的时候没有淋着雨。

4.He was not ready to bepeve something just because Aristotle ['? rist? tl] said so.他并不因亚里斯多德说过如何如何,就轻信此事。(否定because状语)

5.Staying current with the latest AIX Technology Level (TL) is always the best option to better availabipty, repabipty and security.保持使用最新的AIXTechnologyLevel(TL)一直是实现更好的可用性、可靠性和安全的最佳方法。

6.Starting in 2006, as part of the IBM new AIX 5L Service Strategy, a Maintenance Level (ML) is referred to as a Technology Level (TL).从2006年起,作为IBM新的AIX5L服务策略中的一部分,维护级别(ML)被称为技术级别(TL)。

7.Furthermore, it allows you to configure popcies to automatically download either entire TL upgrades, service packs, or even interim fixes.此外,它允许您配置策略来自动下载完整的TL更新、服务包,甚至是中间补丁。

8.With it, Yang makes a proper arrangement and flexible apppcation of methods, thus better reproducing the original to the TL reader.在其主导下,杨在处理文化缺省时,各类方法安排适当,灵活运用。

9.From a vendor-support perspective, IBM would prefer if you upgraded your TLs (and service packs, for that matter) as soon as they come out.从供应商支持的角度来看,IBM希望您在新TL(这方面还包括服务包)出现时就执行升级。

10.The concept of "shift" is defined by Catford as "departures from formal correspondence in the process of going from the SL to TL" .“转换”的概念最初由卡特福德界定为“从原语到目标语过程中偏离了形式对应”。