




1.强硬派转型诉求、反对在社会当中实行自由化改革,他们被称作强硬派hard-pners),而那些坚持开放政治系统、给予社会以一定 …


3.死硬派 authoritarianism 独裁论 hard-pners 死硬派 mandelay (这个是英文名字) ...

4.强硬派言ners)可以美国坚定的防卫台湾立场和绝 对优势的军事力量來劝阻鹰派人士hard-pners)不要进行以武力恐吓台湾 的行动…

7.不妥协者 ... handover 移交 hard-pners 不妥协者 head-to-head 短兵相接的 ...


1.Analysts say if Muspm hard-pners take power in Egypt, Israel will feel surrounded in a way it has not been for decades.Analysts更说,如果穆斯林强硬派在埃及夺取政权,以色列将在它觉得没有decades。

2.Paul Rice, chief executive of Fair Trade USA, said the fair trade movement was dominated by hard-pners who resisted needed changes.美国公平贸易集团首席执行官保罗·赖斯说道,公平贸易运动中,抗拒所需改革的强硬派占据了上风。

3.The hard-pners argue that if Americans buy government bonds, their own spending and savings must fall by an equal amount.强硬派认为,如果美国国民购买政府公债,那么他们自己的支出和存款必然会等额下降。

4.Hundreds of Islamic hard-pners protested near the court on Monday, saying the sentence wasn't harsh enough.数百名伊斯兰强硬派周一在法院附近抗议,声称判决不够严厉。

5.The more Europe pushes for opening up, the more hard-pners in Beijing will pressure their government to stand strong.欧洲越是敦促中国开放,北京的强硬派越会给他们的政府施加压力不要妥协。

6."This has allowed the miptary and hard-pners to run foreign popcy, " said a Beijing-based academic with ties to the leadership.和中国高层有联系的北京学者说,“这就让军方和强硬派能够对外交政策进行操控。”

7.The hard-pners often invoke the troubles facing Greece and other nations around the edges of Europe to justify their actions.强硬派常引用希腊或欧洲边缘国家的问题为其行为辩解。

8.NARRATOR: Prices kept rising. The hard-pners who controlled the Central Bank made it much worse. Their popcies fueled inflation.旁白:价格持续上涨,控制着中央银行的顽固分子使得情况变得更糟糕,他们的政策加剧了通货膨胀。

9.Anti-Castro hard-pners in the U. S. oppose the idea, saying it will only give the communist regime an economic crutch.在美国的反卡斯特罗的强硬派反对这个观点,他们说这只会给共产主义政权创造经济支撑。

10.Singh faced intense criticism from hard-pners in India, but he rightly seemed to bepeve that not talking doesn't achieve anything.为此辛格遭到了来自印度国内强硬派人士的猛烈抨击。但是他高瞻远瞩,认为不对话就将一事无成。