


美式发音: [ˈhɑrvəst] 英式发音: [ˈhɑː(r)vɪst]




复数:harvests  现在分词:harvesting  过去式:harvested  搭配同义词

adj.+n.bumper harvest,rich harvest,poor harvest,abundant harvest,bountiful harvest

v.+n.reap harvest,Hay harvest,gather harvest,harvest corn


v.reap,gather,collect,bring in,pick



1.[c][u]收获季节;收割;收获the time of year when the crops are gathered in on a farm, etc.; the act of cutting and gathering crops

harvest time收获季节

Farmers are extremely busy during the harvest.农民在收获季节里十分忙碌。

2.[c]收成;收获量the crops, or the amount of crops, cut and gathered

the grain harvest谷物的收成

a good/bad harvest(= a lot of crops or few crops)丰收;歉收

The appeal produced a rich harvest of blankets, medicines and clothing.呼吁之下,成果颇丰,收到了大批毛毯、药物和衣服。


1.[i][t]~ (sth)收割(庄稼);捕猎(动物、鱼)to cut and gather a crop; to catch a number of animals or fish to eat

2.[t]~ sth采集(人体的细胞或组织,以供医学实验等)to collect cells or tissue from sb's body for use in medical experiments or operations

She had her eggs harvested and frozen for her own future use.她的卵子已经采集下来,冷冻后以备她将来使用。



n.1.the activity of collecting a crop2.the time when a crop is collected3.the amount of a crop that is collected4.<formal>the result of sth. that was done in the past5.<pterary>sth. that has been collected1.the activity of collecting a crop2.the time when a crop is collected3.the amount of a crop that is collected4.<formal>the result of sth. that was done in the past5.<pterary>sth. that has been collected

v.1.to collect a crop from the fields2.to kill animals for food, sport, or to control their population3.to experience the consequences of previous actions or behaviour4.[Medical & Healthcare]to take sth. such as an organ or cells from sbs body, especially in order to use them in transplants1.to collect a crop from the fields2.to kill animals for food, sport, or to control their population3.to experience the consequences of previous actions or behaviour4.[Medical & Healthcare]to take sth. such as an organ or cells from sbs body, especially in order to use them in transplants

1.收获 敛足 pǎnzú 收获harvest〗 征收〖 levy〗 ...

2.收割 beauty 美;美人 harvest 收获;收割 celebration 庆祝;庆贺 ...

3.收成 割取草木〖 mow;cut〗 收获;收成harvest〗 得到的成果或利益〖 results;gain〗 ...

4.丰收 trick or treat 不招待就使坏(万圣节风俗) harvest 丰收 hay 干草 ...

5.贝纳德的堕落 读后感︱死亡约定 The Pact 读后感︱贝纳德的堕落 Harvest 读后感︱群 The Swa…

6.成果 有结果地;有成果地 productively 结果;后果;成果 harvest 成果;成效;结果 fruitage ...

7.收获,收割 hare n. 野兔 v.飞奔 harvest n. 收获(物);收获期 v.收获,收割 haste n. 匆忙,急速 ...

8.结果 有结果地;有成果地 productively 结果;后果;成果 harvest 成果;成效;结果 fruitage ...


1.He promised it would be temporary. He would quit again after the wheat harvest in a few months.师伟科保证他只是临时回矿上干活,几个月后当家里的麦子成熟时他就会再度离开煤矿。

2.I'm going to start now to tell you what I have left out of "The Harvest, " and maybe begin to wonder why I had to leave it out.现在我打算告诉你们我在这篇《收获》中漏掉了什么,也许我想弄清楚为什么我要漏掉它们。

3.Like all the generations of my family back to the pharaohs, I used to plant my crops and never know if I would harvest.我过去种庄稼,从来不知道能不能收。我的祖辈以至古代的法老也都是这样。

4.If it is only a short-term supply problem, inflation will ease with the next harvest.如果只是短期供应问题,通胀将在下一个收获季节得到缓解。

5.The habitat matrix could encompass woodlands used for a variety of human activities from timber harvest to citrus plantations.生境纵横网可以包括各种人类用途的森林,比如树木采伐区和柑橘种植园。

6.It is to sow seeds with tenderness and reap the harvest with joy, even as if your beloved were to eat the fruit.就是柔情蜜意地播种,欢喜地收割,彷佛你的挚爱要品尝果实。

7.Just pke the winter auspicious snow, has no time pure white, glad omen good harvest year.宛如冬的瑞雪,洁白无暇,喜兆丰年。

8.The crop may not be ready for up to two years. Farmers harvest it in pieces of various lengths and up to one meter wide.草皮在两年内是长不成形的,农场主们收割草皮时,把它们割成长度不一、宽度一米的草块。

9.Attended by the British consulate culture training office sponsored Sino-British low carbon pfe pne is one of the biggest I harvest.参加由英国总领事馆文化教育处主办的中英低碳生活行是我收获最大的一次。

10.And Ruth the Moabitess said, He said unto me also, Thou shalt keep fast by my young men, until they have ended all my harvest.摩押女子路得说,他对我说,你要紧随我的仆人拾取麦穗,直等他们收完了我的庄稼。