



美式发音: [ˈhɑrvəst] 英式发音: [ˈhɑː(r)vɪst]




复数:harvests  现在分词:harvesting  过去式:harvested  搭配同义词

adj.+n.bumper harvest,rich harvest,poor harvest,abundant harvest,bountiful harvest

v.+n.reap harvest,Hay harvest,gather harvest,harvest corn


v.reap,gather,collect,bring in,pick




n.1.the activity of collecting a crop2.the time when a crop is collected3.the amount of a crop that is collected4.<formal>the result of sth. that was done in the past5.<pterary>sth. that has been collected1.the activity of collecting a crop2.the time when a crop is collected3.the amount of a crop that is collected4.<formal>the result of sth. that was done in the past5.<pterary>sth. that has been collected

v.1.to collect a crop from the fields2.to kill animals for food, sport, or to control their population3.to experience the consequences of previous actions or behaviour4.[Medical & Healthcare]to take sth. such as an organ or cells from sbs body, especially in order to use them in transplants1.to collect a crop from the fields2.to kill animals for food, sport, or to control their population3.to experience the consequences of previous actions or behaviour4.[Medical & Healthcare]to take sth. such as an organ or cells from sbs body, especially in order to use them in transplants

1.收获 ... 【视角】 point of view 【《收获》】 Harvests 【《书经》】 The Book of History;The Book of Docum…

2.收成 ... fungi 真菌,霉菌 harvests 收成 on the move 在移动中的 ...

3.收割禾稼如我们之前研究过的,神的宴席被称为收割禾稼(harvests)。在约瑟梦里出现的禾稼象征着大丰收,即出现在住棚节(Feast of Ta…


1.We were surveying the cassava crop, trying to assess the extent of the disease, and its effects on crop harvests.我们测量那些木薯,想要估测疾病的范围和它对作物丰收的影响。

2.Experts say it will take at least two years of good harvests to build enough stocks to buffer prices.专家说,这将需要至少两个丰收年建立足够的库存来缓冲价格。

3.Yet the land is good. It could provide much more food and cash crops too, perhaps two harvests a year, with proper irrigation.然而,土地是没有问题的,如果灌溉正常,每年可以收获两季,完全可以提供更多的食物和经济作物。

4.The point is that a year is an astronomical, not an economic, phenomenon (as it once was, when harvests were decisive).其要点在于,1年是天文学现象,而不是经济现象(这与农业收成起到决定性作用的时候不同)。

5.I may have to go on cultivating year after year, a field which seems to yield me no harvests whatsoever.或者在一个似乎没有果子可结的田地里,一年过一年地继续耕种下去。

6.So she kept close to the young women of Boaz, gleaning until the end of the barley and wheat harvests. And she pved with her mother-in-law.于是路得与波阿斯的使女常在一处拾取麦穗,直到收完了大麦和小麦。路得仍与婆婆同住。

7.But he said the world now needs coming harvests to be bountiful to help ease the pressure.但他也说,要想在一定程度上缓解价格压力,全球需要在未来的收获季节实现大丰收。

8.True, the traditional turkey is still the meat of choice, yet goose, duck, ham, even some of the sea's harvests can be used.没错,传统的火鸡依旧是肉类的选择,而你还可选用鹅、鸭、火腿海产品。

9."Rising energy costs directly increase food prices, " he said, along with poor harvests and export restrictions on foodstuffs.他说,能源成本的上涨,连同粮食歉收和对食品出口的限制,直接提升了粮食价格。

10.The reduced expectations for harvests in Russia, Ukraine and a few areas in western Europe are the trigger.对俄罗斯、乌克兰和西欧一些地区产量预期的下调是导火索。